A Dream Come True

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Mia/Minnie POV

I was awaken by my phone reminding me its time to get up sadly I was dreaming about HIM again will I ever get over him I mean am 19 years old man am I a loser ,I look at my phone to see the time , it was   6:30 am on the dot and I need to hurry and get to Starbucks before the line gets long cause Ms Minaj hates it when am late, I quickly get up out of bed and made it up had a shower put on my under garments and then my white fluffy robe, I was on my way to the kitchen when I notice I haven't heard angel from morning, I went to her room door and knock two times and got no answer so I opened the door to see her all wrap up in her comforter I walk over to her bed ...

Minnie: Come on angel time to get up you dont wanna be late 

Angel: 10 more minutes please

Minnie: noo get up now

Angel: uugh fine *get  up and spreads her bed and went to the bathroom*

*Minnie goes to the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal, angel went to the kitchen shortly after that and got the same too*

We got ready, got in my car and got to Starbucks just in time we were the first customers, I went up to the cashier took out my purse and was about order Ms Minaj favorite Vanilla Spice Latte when the hot male cashier/MC said ...

MC: the usual 

Minnie: ye-y-yes please 

lord have mercy on mee, i dont even know this guy and he got me blushing like a white girl

MC: one Vanilla Spice Latte coming right up *smiles*

That smile le dies...

wow he took a bit longer than usual to give me the coffee...

finally here he comes , act cool mia 

MC: here you go *smiles* see you tomorrow

Million Dollar Smile , le just had a heart attack 

Minnie: thanks *smile* yeah sure *walks over to angel*

Angel: what took you so long

Minnie: oh nothing

Angel: mhmm whatever lets go

We got in my car and went straight to the office, when i reached i quickly went to Ms Minaj office put down her coffee, slightly open the blinds letting light into her office, setting her papers in order , turn on her computer and bring up twitter so when she gets here she can sign in, before i left her office i turned on the air conditioner and close the door which is to the right of my desk.

I took a seat in my leather chair and turned on my computer to check to see what was on the agenda for today , lets see...

* Get Nicki's Coat from the dry cleaners

* Pick up brianna's customize black and pink Jordans Flight

* Order new pink fabric for the factory

* Pick up rokky  (brianna's puppy) from the spa

* Collect Nicki's new wigs

Wow its gonna be a long day knowing that Ms Minaj's wig maker is all the way out of town...

Before I left I took the time to order the fabric before Its too late, suddenly a wave of quietness strucked the floor  I assumed that Ms Minaj is now in the building , the elevator open and there lays the queen of rap and fashion Ms Nicki Minaj 

She got out of the elevator and walk in my direction, I quickly got up and opened the door to her office for her She gave me her coat and I hang it up in her office she sat down in her white leather chair she took a sip of her coffee ...

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