Story Of My Life ...

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Narrator POV

Mia: Hmmm ...lets see *begins to take books out of her locker* Chemistry, History, Biology, Geography, Math and*begins to stare at a picture on her locker door* .... Princeton *starts to day dream* mhmmmm prince *gets cut off by Brook , Brooklyn and their crew the populars*

Brook: uugh pathetic *looks in Mia's hand and smirks*there will never be chemistry between you and  princeton to him your history baby 

Mia: Why dont you and Brooklyn *mia eyes get watery* go trouble some one else

Brook: Aww we made little Mia cry *mocks mia* cause your the only pathetic person in this school

Brooklyn: Just look at you , I mean he learned Geography because he want to move away from people lie you and IF you can add and subtract you and princeton equals negative zero baby *push mia down*

*Their crew laughing at Mia*

Mia: what do you want from me just leave me alone

Brook & Brooklyn: *gets close to her face and say*  You dont belong here your not needed in this world and surely Princeton Dont Want You !!!

Mia: *sat and cry*


Mia's POV

??? : WoW minnie i would not take all that from noone 

Minnie: yeah angel you wouldn't

Angel: cause aint no ugly chick gone come tell me about my crush *get up and go to the bathroom*

Oh excuse my un-mannerly self My name is Mia Love and am 19 yrs old I live with my best friend Angel Heart she is 20 yrs old she is the only friend well my parents too ... lets just say she is the only REAL friend I ever had in my life nobody wanted to be my friend because I was a nerd, I was not pretty enough to talk to anybody but since I moved here to New York Angel is the first friend, she is like the sibling I never had, I met her at my first job at Mrs. Minaj Fashion Victim we are fashion interns , we started on the same day and she just came to new york and she needed a place to stay so over lunch we talked and I told her that she could stay with me if she like then BOOM from room mates to best friends, I was just telling her about my worst moments in high school ... those were the days, I was interupt by angel common remark ...

Angel: minnie are you here 

Minnie: huh what 

Angel: you dreaming about princeton again aren't you

Minnie: I can dream cant I 

Angel: yea all am saying is you need to move on like there are so many dude on Y.O.L.O that you talk too you know like that dude that talks to you everyday on there what his name again...

Minnie: KingJacob

Angel: yea him he always flirts with you and stuff just let the thought of Princeton go plus i heard he is ... (gco by mia)

Minnie: hold on my phone is ringing *gets phone* hey mom... am ok how was your day... am sorry I was busy mom Ms. Minaj had me doing her daughter's home work.... no mom she is not rude and she has a name... her name is rayla and she is a sweet little girl mom ... mom can we please not go there... she is not using me ... um I got work in the morning so I gotta go ... yeah i love you too ... yea kiss dad for me... ok bye *ends call*

Angel: I love you too baby ... you know I cant .. because your in L.A ... excuse me no am not cheating on you ... you know what call me tomorrow... yea call me when your sober ...uugh bye *ends call*

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