There is this guy and don't get me wrong I have a bf but this guy it feels like we've known each other forever. He's became a routine whenever I wake I text me, whenever I'm happy or sad he's the first person I text and he's always there to listen. We could talk for hours and never loose the conversation. We protect each other like brother and sister. And honestly it kills me knowing that I will never have a chance with him and that's the thing a long time ago I did have a chance with him and I fucked up. I chose someone and different and until the day I die I will regret it because it feels like my heart is being torn out when he talks about her. But I will smile at him and act like it doesn't hurt I'll smile at him like every other time and he doesn't realize the way I look at him that's not the way u look at ur friend. I don't know how but after all this time I fell for the goofy crazy best friend that hates to argue and will protect me from anything life throws at me. If something ever happened to me I know he would always find a way to be there for me and I need to beleive that cause when u love someone that doesn't love you you need something to hold onto....