Chapter 10 - Niall

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Two weeks had passed since Hannah’s mum was rushed to the hospital. I spent my days with Hannah whether she needed someone to stay with her at night or just a ride to visit her mum. I would sit in the back of the room finishing my homework while Hannah talked hand in hand to her still unconscious mother. Today started no different. I had placed myself in a large arm chair away from the upsetting scene. It broke my heart to see Hannah the way she was, shaken up without her mother. The faint beeping of the monitors filled the air.

“We got an A on the project mom” She tried to keep positive like the doctor suggested, but I could hear the ache in her voice. I quietly rose from the chair and strolled over to where Hannah sat holding her mother’s hand. My hand rubbed her back for comfort.

 “C’mon love, why don’t we go home?” I whispered.

“Can I spend the night with her?” her eyes met mine. After nodding in response I slipped out of the room and stood outside the doorway. Hannah’s small voice could be heard pleading from inside the room.

“Mom please get better. We need you”

My eyes stung as I tried to hold back my emotion.

The next morning was eerily quiet. I sat at my computer scrolling though Facebook when my phone beeped from inside my pocket. I fished it out and checked the message.

From: Hannah <3

"Hey babe, I’m going to be at

the hospital all day today.

Maybe we can go see a movie afterwards <3"

The text made me smile and I mentally applauded Hannah for being adventurous. After a quick shower and shave I was almost ready.

"Hey mate" My roommates voice echoed though my room

"Hey" I slipped on my shirt

"Where ya going?" He asked

 "Spending the day with Hannah and her mom at the-" I stopped knowing Hannah wouldn't forgive me if I just blabbered something important to her. I was the only other person who knew about her mom and I respected her enough to keep it that way.

"-um, mall" Liam burst into a fit of laughter

"You? Are going to the mall?" He could barely breathe.

 "Shut up. I’m not going for the mall I’m going for Hannah!" I snapped

 "Ok dude whatever" he threw his hands up defensively playful and walked out of my room still laughing.

I shrugged it off; getting razzed by Liam was worth keeping Hannah's secret. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

 The drive to the hospital was short. I finally pulled into a spot at the top the three story parking garage and shut off the car. I noticed a small figure in the distance at the edge of the garage. Lt looked like he or she where sitting on the ledge. I figured it was a doctor or nurse getting some air on their break but l was wrong. When I hopped out of the car I could hear faint sobbing echoing against the concrete walls. Curious, I strode over to the figure. As I approached I saw the familiar blonde locks and slim figure of my girlfriend. Her head was slumped in her hands, her legs dangled over the ledge. Her shoulders rose and fell as she gasped for air. My legs pumped as I jogged the few yards between us.

 "Hannah...what happened?"

 She didn't speak. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to pull her off the ledge. She wouldn't budge.

I rubbed soothing circles in her back as she cried into my chest. Her hands grasped my bicep and she whispered "She's gone"

 I attempted to grab her legs again, worried she could slip and fall the entire three stories to the pavement below us. She struggled out of my grasp and her small hands pushed me enough to make me take a step back.

 "'re going to fall" I urged

"I don't care!" she yelled, finally lifting her head out on her hands "Don't you get it?! My mom is dead! She's never coming back! I’m alone!!" My heart clenched at her words. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face and hands soaked with tears. I swiftly swung my arms around her yanking her from the ledge.

 “NO!” She protested. Her tiny body flailed under my arms, fisted hands hitting me as best she could.

 "STOP! Leave me alone!" She kicked until her feet touched the ground, but l didn't release her. Tears still flowed from her eyes as her punches began to slow. Her legs collapsed beneath her weight and her sobs grew louder. We sat on the floor of the garage, Hannah leaning into my chest.

 "Shhh" I soothed "I’m here babe. I love you." I kissed the top of her head and slowly rocked her back and forth.

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