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Hi! I am (currently) the newest admin of ShadowClanWarriors.

I don't like writing about my personality. You can figure it out yourselves. Also, I can't really because I'll think of a personality trait and then I'll think, no, that's not true in this situation and-

I'm rambling. Great.

In real life, I'm an introvert, but here when people can't ignore me no matter how hard I yell I seem to get the message across to people better. So if any of my friends tell you I'm quiet... They're probably not my friends.

I have a rabbit named Dandelion and a cat named Agate (Agatemoon) who I may or may not write a fanfiction about someday. I also have a  sister that belongs in the pet paragraph.

I am a swimmer, skater, softball player, pianist, violist, volleyball player, and singer.

And I don't know what to put here because everyone else's is so long, but I'm a fanfiction writer that likes warriors (of course). I'm also a procrastinator but I'm very good at pushing myself out of difficult spots. (Continuing a story from two years ago with the last line being "knowing exactly what he was thinking". I didn't)

Except for my story I haven't updated since February.

I also write other types of books but so far they haven't gotten any attention, so I think I'll stick to Warriors. *quietly sobs in corner*

It's not like I have five books prepared that I know nobody wants.

Anyway, I really have no clue what to put here.

I'm pretty sure I failed.

But I'm happy to be an admin of this account.


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