A miraculous adventure through our beloved admins' stories of life, death, and premature success.
@animewarriorlover as SHADESTAR
@bunneh657 @woolystar as WHITEFEATHER
@redneko as RAGGEDHOPE
@123patrick as STRIPPENFLOW
My name is Bunneh, although not quite literally, of course. Many on this account refer to me as my warrior name, Whitefeather. (He is shown up above.) I am a biological female. I do wish sometimes that there could be a world where we aren't designated to only one place, but that is something for another time, and another place. I am not as old as you may think I am - I won't reveal my true age, of course, but I will say that I am certainly older than the age where birthday parties with clowns aren't considered somehow degrading, yet younger than the day that I will find myself with a Ph.D in mathematics.
Who am I kidding? I hate math.
Instead, I am an aspiring author, and a mostly-self-taught artist. Like many other teenagers my age, and also some below and under, I do have anxiety, along with OCD. It isn't something to be considered endearing; especially social anxiety. But that isn't something that should be discussed right at this moment.
On a lighter tone, I do roleplay often. More often than not, actually, I will be either online on wattpad, or trying not to feel ignored by my most cherished of friends. Then again, I could be considered clingy, and maybe a bit off in the head, so perhaps it's simply a thing of thought.
I often try in my writing to portray parts of myself that I don't want others to see. For example, hoarding was once a part of my life. It is something that I struggle with vaguely, now, as well. Writing out solutions to one's problems often helps them solve it, themselves.
Here I've gone again, being all negative. Perhaps this is enough written.
Have a nice day :)
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(Can we all please agree that Ciel does indeed make a good female?)