Chapter 9

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::::::::: Harley Quinn's POV ::::::::::::

I wake up from the sun hitting my eyes. I turn over to see Bruce opening his eyes. I smiled

"Morning Beautiful" he said as he pulled me close to his naked body

"Morning handsome" I said as I kiss him on the lips

We kissed for a while which felt like a long time. We broke the kiss but he started kissing my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Bruce" I said into his ear. He stopped and looked at me.

"What im just pleasing my girlfriend" he said smirking

"You did last night though" I said

"Yes but I can't help it if my girlfriend is so beautiful" he said pulling me closer

I giggle. He kissed my neck more. But he stopped because we heard crying.

"I'll go get her" I said

"Alright I'll still be here" he said and released me from his arms. I get up and put my robe on. Tying a knot on my robe. I leave the room and go to Lily's room to see her trying to sit up. I giggled and went up to her picking her up.

"You were crying cause you couldn't sit up huh" I said but all she did was smile. I leave her room closing the door behind me. I enter Bruce and my room seeing that Bruce put sweats on. I sat down on the bed and put Lily down on the bed. Bruce sat next to me on the bed. Lily tried sitting up but she couldn't and started crying.

"So that's what she was crying about" Bruce said as she tickled her tummy

"Yep" I said. Lily giggled as Bruce was still tickling her tummy. Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" Bruce said. Alfred came into the room.

"Sir it seems that you and Ms Quinn are on the newspaper" Alfred said as he handed the newspaper to us

Bruce took the newspaper and read it

Bruce Wayne And Harley Quinn Have Been Secretly Dating

According to Bruce Wayne. He was secretly dating Harley Quinn a used to be criminal for a year as he was dating Selena Kyle who is a criminal. But there is another secret that Bruce and Harley hid which was they had a child. A baby girl name Lily who's only a couple of months old. It seems that Bruce loves Harley more than that cat. Hope Bruce and Harley are happy for each other.

Article by Lois Lane

I looked at the article over and over. I mean she's not saying anything bad about us.

"Two good articles in a row that are by her" Bruce said as he puts the newspaper down

"Yeah it's great that someone is righting good things about us" I said and smiled

"Let's hope that nothing bad happens in the article" Bruce said

:::::::: Clark's POV ::::::::

Lois has been writing articles about Bruce Wayne and Harley Quinn. I don't think it's right to been with your enemy but I can't argue with him because it'll start a war. I wanted to talk to Harley because I've met her before when she was taken a break from Joker way before Bruce slept with her. It was the first break she had with the Joker which she looked really terrible. But she told me that if I needed a favor that she would help me with it. I'll have to talk to her some how. I'll just go to a party she might attend and see if she will or I can go see her and see if she can help me with that favor. I grab my coat and the rest of my things. Heading out the door.

"Clark where are you going" someone asked.

I turned around to see Lois standing in front of me. "Going to see an old friend" I said putting my coat on

"Oh ok" she said and walked back to her desk. I left and had a taxi take me to the Wayne manor. I knocked on the door and saw a butler open the door.

"Can I help you" he asked

"I'm looking for Harley Quinn" I asked

"Yes please come in and have a seat" he said moving out of the way

I enter the manor and it was amazing on the inside even the outside. I sat down in the living room. I heard heels clicking on the marble floor. I turned around to see Harley in a white sun dress.

"Nice to see you Clark" she said and sat in front of me

"It's nice to see you as well" I said

"So what brings you here?" She asked

"Um I was wonder if you can hid something for me" I said

"If it's a puppy. Your not gonna get it back" she said smiling

"No it's not that. It's um well. This" i said and handed her a package

"What is it" she said looking inside

"It's a ring for my girlfriend. I want to propose to her. But since we live together I didn't want to hid it there and my mom she'll lose it" I said scratching the back of my head

"I'll keep it hidden. Trust me" she said

"Great I'll come by to pick it up when I feel like it's the right time" I said and stood up

"Let me escort you to the door" she said

"Ok" I said and followed her to the door. She waved goodbye and so did I then the taxi drove off.

:::::::: Harley Quinn's POV :::::::::

I close the door and look inside the package to see a little box. I open the box to see the ring.

"Not my style but must be the perfect style for his girlfriend" I said putting the box back in the package. I went into Bruce's and my bedroom putting the package in one of the drawers of my nightstand. I go back to the backyard seeing Bruce holding Lily.

"Who wanted to see you" Bruce asked

"An old friend" I said sitting neck to him

"What old friend" he asked

"Clark" I said

"The reporter for the newspaper" he said looking at me

"Yeah he wanted me to hid a ring from his girlfriend" I said looking at him

"Ok so where did you put it" he asked looking at Lily now

"In my nightstand. Why?" I respond with a confused look

"No reason" he said

What's going on. does he not want me to see something in his nightstand. I don't want to snoop so I'll just leave it until things get really weird.

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