Imagine for @England007

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You and Niall are laying on the beach eating your picnic while watching the stars, Niall looks at you and says "I love you Alyssa" while kissing your cheek you smile and reply "I love you too Niall". You both continue to eat your picnic until Niall starts to speak "We should go for a midnight swim, you up for it?" "But we don't have swimsuits on" "I have on my shorts that i can use and you have you bra and underwear. C,mon Alyssa noone is here andin basically the same thing." "Okay" so you both strip downand run in the water;Which is surprisingly warm. After awhile you guys get out and lay on your blanket watching the stars, cudding and kissing here and there. Niall points to a star and says "See that star? Its name is Alyssa, i named it after you cause it's so bright and beautiful like you..." you smile kiss him "Thankyou, your the best boyfriend ever" "And your the best girlfriend ever. Alyssa, we've been together for awhile now and i've been thinking.. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. You make me so happy, i could'nt ask for a better life... Will you marry me?" you can feel the tears roll down your cheek as you nod and hug your new found fiance. You and Niall  dance on the beach until you have to go, he walks you up to your porch and just holds you. You end the night with a long passionate, love filled kiss. As he drives off you wave til you can see him anymore, you open your front door and run up to your room. The next day Niall comes over and you both watch a movie when the movie end you stare in eachothers eyes, blue meets dark brown, he strokes your light brown hair and kisses you. You watch more movies until he has to get Louis some carrots... Dang that feathery haired boy. But not before you share a sweet, passionate, loving kiss.


Sorry if it sucks... I tried my best it's my first imagine soo 

Anyways, peace out love :) xx

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