The Lost Me...
I took my first step, just me and no one else
I turned around my gaze in this quiet mysterious place
I looked up in the sky, sky that's really high
But nothing give me clue so I just did a sigh.I straightened my path to the white granuled sand
Suffered the heat by the blazing fire of sun
I did a deep breath and quickly wept my sweat
Back to the journey with my two tired feet.I need a map in this 'oh-so-wide land'
Need someone near me in this sad moment of mine
I am clueless for my thought is really stuck
Stuck in this journey that made me so
tired.I'm walking.. in a thousand of roads
Have been dreaming but didn't set my goal
I'm breaking in pieces yet keep on fighting for
Fighting for something which I didn't even know.I need answers to a thousand of questions
Questions that I really want to know
I want to achieve unbelievable things
But how could I if I always want to quit?Tracking my way but I don't know where to go
Nor do I know why did I do it so
For a bit of seconds, I even try to think
But, I am yet clueless don't even know a bit.I want to fly, rise up and feel the life
But I just can't for everything is a strife
I just want to go back but I cannot see
See my way back because I have the lost me.——————————————————
Poem #7 is here fellas!!!!
Long no updates for this, right? Well, am so busy gals. Coping up with my studies, doing my thesis and blah blah blah..
So, that's all. Till next then.
Bye 👋.
FutureDoctor 💉💊📝✂.
My Book of Poems
Poesía"Poetry is an another form of communication. Communication that has an art, beauty but majestically mysterious..." ❤❤❤❤❤