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There's someone who stop hoping any nice things,
Stop hoping any big dreams,
Because she knows that she didnt even deserve all of dat,
Walking in the middle space in the crowded of some ppl,
She look at herself, and asking can she bring some light to anyone's world?
Reflect herself in so many ways,
And make her worse day by day,
Because she just overthinking bout her endless bad and hidden character in her,
Too far being drunk all the way,
Flying high, hoping nobody will ever care bout her,
To stop let any voices being produce by someone mouth,

And she realise something,
That she still live with everyone here,
Yeah the world,
She just couldn't even escape from ppl as they still chasing her behind,
She maybe forget,
That she obviously sharing this world with everyone,
All the time she being down after knowing that,
Seeing clock and heard each click sound to wait what will happen after this,
She know that this is a world's rule,
She can't twisted any world order as she still nobody to someone or especially to the world,
As she still a human being, not a mind controller tho,

Maybe she will bravely move forward,
And for a moments let the voices and crowded of ppl drown her for a while,
She should start to be don't ever care at all about what block her future for the sake of herself,
She can't perfectly change but may her effort can still be appreciate.

Maybe she could be someone light after this,
Maybe she can act like others ppl hope,
Maybe she trying her best to expose her hidden personality,

Who knows she can be more than what we expect,
She manage to remove all of the shit being thrown by ppl arounds her,
Yeah invisible shit,
Maybe a little happiness can heal her wound,
May she know that someone wanna hold her hand and bring her out from her anxiety and bad mental problems,
May we could be each other's paradise and facing hell after this together?

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