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Dear butterflies that im fuckin miss,
Did all of u still remember those moments we spend,
How all those words were means nothing but a sign of a long term relationship(maybe),
But why just we don't live there a little more,
Because the relationship we made goes wrong all the way,
Our wings spread up to high to be seen by each other,
Until all of us assuming instead of going through each of our day together.

Dear butterflies im just thinking a while ago,
Why just this relationship didn't meant to be last long like them too?
Is it because we have to accept that sometimes we have to lose much when we already poured out much on those day?
Why can't we meet and act normal like what it should be?
What is wrong with one small misunderstanding and everything was ruin like there's no even a day to be fix?

Dear butterflies im gonna cryin for keep on remember for,
As if your wings was still in sober, i would like u to be my side,
Cause maybe i will be your wings of listener and best favourite human ever live,
May i be there just for a moment even it will be just for a super second and gone forever,
May we be a bit more nicer just to redeem this hurting phase occur,
Because im just too miss those days of how friendship of us was made,

Dear butterflies that i may not met in future,
Are u still there bring our memories whenever u take a step closer from us?
If u still do so, i hope u find a place and buried them nicely cause i dont want all of u feel this kind of pain continuously,
Because its hurt more to keep remembering instead of leave all at back,

Dear butterflies that always cross my mind at the first place,
We may not be just like the older us do,
But can we keep on pray on each other to stay in peace just before our eyes will stay close in calm and silent,
Cause whenever u go, i just want all of u be a little happier even if i will never meant to make all of u feeling so anymore.

-dedicate to all of the person i had ever known, we may met for a reason and i believe itwas beautiful reason lies beneath this tortured phase (:

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