chapter five

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hey guys please comment and vote please mean allot and hope you like it X :P

"I lay there in agonising pain the 2 pierced holes in my neck what razar sharp fangs had left were bursting out blood

"You bastered  Erick said in anger. He had pulled the vampire of Lucy she started screaming probley because that she was changing. He grabbed a plank of wood a pierced it through him and then bit his head of and tor him apart. he then tended to Lucy who was in agonising pain he  neeld down liffted the back of her head up he then saw the bite what wa causing this.

 " Lucy your turning i going to have to drink the poisan away". He held her up to his level and put his lips on the bite and was takeing the pain away she was calm her blood clean. Erick stopped and wipped awy the blood. But he felt a need for more.

He licked the wound and hit healed she was alot better now they opend the door of the hotel and walked through it was very dark and cold but then she saw a girl who looked just like her it was Molly."MOLLY MOLLY" " Lucy is that you"?" all i could to was run to my sister and hug her she hugged me back.

Ericks thougths

"it was nice to see Lucy with her twin sister she was happy again"

As lucy was rejoined with er twin sister she had felt something was not right."The keeper where would she be unless THIS IS NOT MOLLY.Lucy pushed away from the introder and said" bitch were is my sister. the girs body started to reform into her self she was a tall women with long black hair and red eyes red lipstck.the women talked in ferm voice. " Well i know were she is but she has been very bad she takeing a torcher class."you lying bitch said lucy in angry tone.Lucy when after the shape shifter and hit her in the face but the women swung back and grabbed lucy by the neck liffting her whole body up makeing it hard to breath. Lucy was holding on for dear life. The women spoke in a ferm tone" Did they teach you at school not to talk to your elders like that. Lucy did not respond.Erick came into action and leaped at her dropping Lucy to the floor she was caughing and brathing heavily erick was fighting against the women and he sank his fangs into her neck. Lucy then stopped him and told him to wait for she then she plunged a sharp piece of wood throug her leaving her dead she then said."Fuck elders.

Erick was shocked she shrugged and said."She was a bitch and the left the went to the through the halls all the doors were dust and marked and dirty all but one it had looked like this had been used the room number was 106 she turned the knob but the door did not open. " I closed my eyes and focused on the inside of the lock all of a sudden the lock clicked it had broke she had dont it the door opend she saw a bed and dressing table and that was it but my sister was not hear. at the end of the room was a closet she herd sound from it she knew the door was locked so she unlocked it with her mind. The door opend and at the bottom was girl with dull blond hair and skin lifeless and dirty she was bare foot but it was my sister i shouted Molly she gasped  and erged to get up but she was weak she hugged me atear fell down my face" but she had to tell me something this is what she said." you cant come hear Lucy father is not dead he needs us we are in daneger you need to go.!"" and leave you hear no i lost you once i am not leaving you again grandma sent me hear she is dead father killed her.!" Molly had tear down her face and the spoke" well that how we would end up.! she moved on well who is this sexy fella." "Molly he i s my boyfriend." Oh sorry i have been hear to long i have not noticed boys in that way." " You have been in there to long any way we need to get to were father is." " are you joking he is in the dark world with all the dark souls." " Well then lets get there" " you have to have a portal to get there." " by the way how do you know so mutch.?" " Talking and listening to a loony women for seven years you start to get the jist."" How do you open an portal well witches and wizard can open portals." " wait a minute we are witches we can open the portal i had almost forgot erick was hear he look flatterd of what Molly said.

"Me and molly and erick stood near a blanck wall me and molly held hands and closed are eyes we focosed on the portal and we felt wind brushing in front of us and we saw a bright red light the wall had gone all was there was away through me and Molly had opend the portal we were close to are freedom.

hey gues have to end it there hope you liked it thought sorry if it is abit short but i have got head ache please vote and comment mean allot thanks xxxx :P

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