Cas has the beer...

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"Sammy unload the beer and pies while me and kayia get Cars inside." Dean said in his husky voice.

Cars then refused to let Dean and I help him inside, he staggered a little until Dean got the door to the crappy hotel room unlocked.

"Dean I need to get... more alcohol... and pee." Said Cas in a slurred voice, as he leaned against the bathroom door.

Sammy pondered through the 'front room' and palaced the beer, vodka and pies on the binkie of the small kitchen.

I looked to the bathroom door where Dean and Cars were arguing about Castiel having more drink, when he teleported to the beer box and stole it, then teleporting back into the bathroom and locking the door.

"Cars god so help me if you don't come out!" Dean shouted his beer clearly important to him. He gently punched the bathroom door causing Cas to shriek.

" Dean leave him to it... we have a witch remember...?" Said Sammy looking pleased with himself.

"Huh? Sam what are you on about?" I asked him my brows frowning crossing my arms over my chest.

"Teleport ion spell?" Dean suggested smiling wickedly.

" Hahahha no. Am a white witch guys... not gonna happen..." I stated before they both gave me puppy dog eyes "I do not need a spell, Cas is a dude watch this..."

I slowly walked over to the bathroom door smiling to myself.

The brothers watched me couriously I waggled my bum for the fun of it.

"Cas hunni do you want to come out...?" I asked him as sweetly as I could.

"Noooo they will steal the beer..." he said in a child's voice.

"Cas am ony periods don't get out now and your gonna have a pissed off female on her time of the month who needs a beer. Get. Out. Now." I blabed hoping that would work. Of course I knew Cas was a angle but he was still a male...

"Ew. Fine am coming but I better get a beer." He moaned, the brothers behind me looked shocked and some what proud.

*an hour later*

"So brother, why do I have to travel with you and the alcoholic angel?" I said joking pushing Sam off the sofa.

We burst into histerics when Sam fell groaning as he got back up nut he was laughing as he did so.

"We need a witch who can fight... your the only one I trust to be honest." Said Drean looking shy and flushed.

"What he said and also where did you learn your fighting skills?" Sammy asked looking from Dean to me and back again.

"My uncal Bobby, well he's not actually my uncal but him and my dad were tight from when they were children... then he died so I went to stay with Bobby and car grave yard." I gave the boys a little giggle to lighten up the mood as it had gone morbid and tense.

"Sleep? It sounds like a good idea. Sammy your bunking with Cas. Kayia your bunking with me. Get ready for bed kidos," Dean smiled directly at me.

Sam and Dean were already in bed when I creeped back through form the bathroom in a tank top and undies.

I crawled in next to Dean and smiled as he was only in his boxers. He groaned and pulled me to his chest, spooning me, before I fell blissfully into a darkened sleep.

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