Moving day.

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Ella's POV
Today is moving day, I was packing the last off my things up when I get a call from my best friend, Lola.
Phone call (lol:Lola & la:Ella)
Lol: Hey come downstairs we have a surprise...
La: We?...What surprise?
She knows I don't like surprises.
Lol: Just get down here!
Call ended
I went downstairs to see Lol and all my friends and....Joey, my ex-boyfriend. "Hey guys what are you doing here?" "We came to say goodbye." Lol said "I don't want to, I'll cry.." I chocked the words out I could feel the tears coming.
30 minutes later
I had said my goodbyes Lola and Joey were the hardest. I finished packing and we got in the car. We drove to the airport. Our stuff was in the moving truck. We boarded our plane and nothing interesting really happened.
11 hours later
My mom shook me saying "Honey, wake up we're here." We got off the plane and drove to our new house which was 2 hours away from the airport. I decided to text Lol and talk to her I already missed her so much me an Joey broke up a couple weeks ago just because I was moving. We got to our new house and I unpacked my room and said "I'm gonna go look around the town to try and find any good stores, so I can get new clothes for school." My mom yelled back "Okay, Sweetie don't be gone for long and keep your phone on."

3 hours later at the mall
I was looking in Hollister, when a girl bumped into me, she was drop dead gorgeous. She said "Omg I'm so sorry, you must be new here I'm Rosa!" "It's okay. Yeah, is it that obvious? I'm Ella." "Well not really but this is a small town so I pretty much know everyone my age." She giggled "Oh yea I guess. How old are you?" I asked curiously "I'm 13 years old." She said "Me too!" I said excited that I might have a friend for the first day of school."
"Yea it was nice to meet you, maybe I'll see you at school. You can sit with me an my friends at lunch." "Yeah of course, thanks. What school do you go to exactly?" "TDMS well The ******** Middle School" "Oh me too!" "I'll see you there."

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