Kim's Siblings

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" Se-Sehun..Hel-help me..." Sonhyo say trying to breathe but it's hard,pointing at her ward. Sehun immediately open the ward door and get shock after seeing what is in front of him.

"SONHYO?!!! WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" Sehun rushed to Sonhyo's bed. The respirator was taken off from Sonhyo and her heartbeats fall down.

"Doctor!!Nurse!!Help!!" Sehun yelled, pressing the red button a lot of time. The doctor and nurses rushed into the room and checking on Sonhyo conditions. "Sir please leave. " The nurse ask politely. Sehun step backwards slowly as the nurse close the door while Sonhyo is still inside.

Sehun suddenly remembered about the women that he bump to few minutes ago. She so mystery and she may have something to do with Sonhyo's car accident. He run to the elevator then press the button furiously. He run to the emergency stairs and quickly run to the basement floor. "She must still be here!!" Sehun yelled. "please..where is that women?!!"  He whisper inside. OnlyGod know how panic he was when he saw Sonhyo breathless and the respirator was taken off from her.. He never know that this things will effect her spirit as well.

After awhile, he walk back to hospital. But in his head, He's still wondering who's that person. Without he's noticed, someone is looking at him with every movement he made while smirking. The person walk away after Sehun left the basement.


Sehun was sitting beside Sonhyo,on the floor. He look at her worried, after awhile Sonhyo already finally good. Just a little pale. "are you okay? what happened just now??" He asked nicely. He know that Sonhyo still not recover from what just happened.

''I was here with mom and Yugyeom oppa. When suddenly he get a phone call from dad. He must leave for work and he don't want to leave mom here alone cause she look really tired. I walk with them until the entrance. Since Yugyeom oppa say that you're coming, I decided to return to my room but before I walk in I suddenly felt so hard to breathe.. Then I saw someone walk out from the room.." Sonhyo explain everything.

Sehun eyes grow wider when Sonhyo say about someone. He turn to face Sonhyo.

"Sonhyo tell me. Do you know who is that person?!" Sehun asked. Hoping that Sonhyo know who's that person. Sonhyo shook her head as Sehun sigh lightly.

"I couldn't see that person face since she's using a mask and full black cloth. But from her body, I know she's a female.." Sonhyo said again. Sehun just nodded. Sonhyo look at him guilty.

"I'm sorry.. I should've check that person face." She said while looking at her feet. Sehun smile then shook his head. "No. It's not even your fault. I'm sorry that I come so late.. It's fine as long as you're okay.." he said comforting her.

Suddenly a sound of the door being open harsh. Sehun and Sonhyo looked up. Yugyeom came first to their view. Yugyeom walk to Sehun and panically then asking what happened to Sonhyo while he's away.Then the unknown faces walk in the room after him. Sehun stand up and answering Yugyeom based on the doctor statement about Sonhyo's condition.

"The doctor said that the respirator wasn't accidentally removed. Someone must broke in to this room and have took it off intentionally.."Sehun explain. Yugyeom closed his eyes then let out a heavy sigh. He shouldn't leave Sonhyo alone. Sehun stroke his back to comfort him.

Someone interrupt them by calling Yugyeom name.

"Yugyeom-ah.. who's this guy??" That person asked. Yugyeom wiped away his tears then look at him. "Oh hyung..This is Oh Sehun.. Sehun hyung this is my only brother in family, Kim Jongdae." Yugyeom introduce Sehun to his brother, Jongdae.

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