Chapter 3: "Body Type"

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TDAS: Miranda's Way (Episode 3: Saving Private Leechball)

Alejandro's POV:

The cabin beds were such a step down from the hotel.

Luckily, I didn't have to stay in it for that long because I heard a tapping noise on the window in the middle of the night.

I sat up in my bed, slipping my sleeping bag off, and turning to see Miranda outside, waving shyly at me.

I smiled sleepily. I quietly got off the top bunk and went over to the window, lifting it open.

"Evening, dollface." I smirked.

She chuckled. "Hey. I couldn't sleep so I decided to visit you."

"Have any idea why you couldn't sleep?" I asked, quietly yawning after speaking.

She shook her head. "I really just couldn't fall asleep. I'm tired, but something's keeping me up, so I thought I'd come see you."

I nodded. "Fair enough."

I kissed her lips for a split second.

"Maybe we should take this elsewhere." I looked around to see that Scott and Duncan were still asleep.

"I was kinda hoping I could spend the night with you." she seemed nervous.

"Why? Wouldn't you prefer the hotel bed? It's much softer than these. You'd be much more comfortable."

She shrugged. "I just want to be with you."

I smiled lightly. "Alright. If that's what you want. But, be quiet. I don't want you getting caught here."

She nodded, grabbing my arm so I could pull her into the cabin.

She stumbled into my arms, causing me to smile a bit wider.

"You okay, love?"

She smiled too, nodding.

So, both of us climbed into bed. She soon noticed the sleeping bag.

"Why do you have a sleeping bag?"

"I don't like sleeping while I'm spread out. I've gotten so used to the enclosed space of that stupid suit that it's hard going back to normal ways of sleeping."

"Well, you can hold me close to you so you don't feel spread out."

I chuckled quietly. "Very true, mi amor."

So, we laid down and I took her into my arms, playing with her fiery hair.

She rested her hand on my cheek while holding onto the back of my shirt.

As much as I loved this, something seemed off with her. Her eyes lacked a certain glow.

So, after a bit of silence, I spoke up.

"Are you okay, my love?"

She sighed. "Yeah, it's just...Courtney. She gets on my last nerve and stresses me out so much. I needed to get away from her, I can't handle to hear another snobbish comment on Sierra''unique' behavior. Her voice was giving me a headache."

I nodded. "I understand. Well, you're more than welcome to come find me if the stress is too much for you."

She nodded back, smiling a bit. "Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart."

I gave her a quick kiss before drifting off to sleep, holding her close to me.

The next morning, I was alone in my bed. But, where Miranda had been was a small piece of paper with her handwriting.

It had a short, but incredibly, sweet message.

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