Chapter 7: "Sacrifices I'm Making"

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TDAS: Miranda's Way (Episode 7: Suckers Punched)

Miranda's POV:

I woke up in someone's arms, which was not expected.

Though it was the arms of my love, I still was a little surprised. To explain, the night before, we'd went our separate ways, after laughing at Chris flailing in the water I pushed him into. I didn't remember him finding his way into the girls' room.

I turned to face him, seeing him still fast asleep. The sun was blinding me as it shined through the curtains. We were on the top bunk of the bunk bed and Gwen was sleeping underneath us.

I took a minute to admire Ale and his pretty face. He certainly was a handsome boy.

After daydreaming, I put my hand on his cheek, gently patting it. His eyebrows furrowed a bit, but he seemed to still be sleeping.

I then decided to pinch his cheek softly. He groaned, trying to swat my hand away.

I couldn't contain my chuckles as he became more and more annoyed.

I booped his nose and continued patting his cheek.

He slowly began to wake up, letting out of soft smirk.

"So that's what was waking me up." he mumbled.

I giggled, pinching his cheek again. He whined a little, but not without snickering.

"Oh my God, stop."

"I can't. It's my duty to annoy you at your most vulnerable hour. It's what girlfriends are for." I smirked.

He chuckled. "Oh, so caring for me and your beauty are mere perks I get to dating you?"

"Pretty much, yeah." I chuckled again.

He smirked, pulling me closer. "Despite this, I love you."

"I love you too. I love bugging you."

"I can tell, mi amor."

A thought suddenly came into mind.

"Hey, wait, when did you get here?" I asked.

"In the middle of the night, I made my escape after the others fell asleep."


He shrugged. "I'd prefer to lay with you. It's more...cathartic."

"Why do you say that?"

He sighed.

This worried me. "Is...everything okay?"

"I...just have a bad feeling."

"Why? What's wrong?" I put a hand on his cheek.

"I feel as though now that Heather's gone, we're a massive threat and we'll have to be extremely careful on how we play our cards."

"When is that never true, though? We've always had to be careful, now more than ever, I agree. We'll be okay, as long we stick together."

"Let's hope so."

I gave him a kiss on the lips before sitting up and stretching my arms.


"Hm?" I looked at him.

"Have I ever told you how stunning you are?"

I smiled, blushing a little while rolling my eyes. "Only a million times."

He chuckled. "Good, you should know it because I mean it."

He hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek a couple times.

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