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Total Drama All-Stars: Miranda's Way (Epilogue)

Miranda's POV:

I couldn't believe it. A whole year since All-Stars. The time really flew by, it felt so surreal. But what all happened in that year was even crazier.

I turned eighteen at long last, and with the rest of my World Tour money, I bought a house of my own. It wasn't crazy far from home, so it was really to drive down to see my parents whenever.

Ale couldn't say the same since he was living with me. His parents still lived all the way in Spain, so we decided that we'd make a trip to go see them in the summertime.

We were in the heated process of wedding planning. We'd picked out a venue, I'd gotten my dress, we'd sent out invites, gotten catering, bridesmaids dresses, tuxedo fittings, bridal shower, the whole nine yards.

We were both exhausted, and with the wedding just weeks away, we were scrambling constantly.

I remember a week prior to the wedding, we'd both had such a stressful day. Ale was picking a cake, even though he wasn't fond of the idea of having one since he was so strictly healthy, and I was setting up a playlist of songs to play at the wedding. My manager and I were very passionate, let's say about song choices.

When we both got home, we crashed into bed, complaining to each other about our struggles.

"Sometimes I wonder if he was even qualified to be a music manager." I groaned.

"I don't see why we need a cake, especially a layered one."

"Because all weddings have cake, babe. It's a staple."

"It doesn't have to be."

"You don't have to eat it, you know. But then again...I'd kill to smash some in your face." I smirked at the handsome man beside me.

He snickered, making me grin.

"I'm only complying with this because you wanted it, mi dulce."

He hugged me tightly, kissing my head.

"I hope this will all be worth it."

"It will be. I can't wait, it's going to be the best day ever." I smiled in his chest.

"Only because I'm marrying you." he purred.

All that peace flew out the window a week later. The stress and anxiety levels were peaking.

I was in my dressing room, speedily applying makeup to my face, while still trying to make it look clean. My mom was styling my hair whenever I would stop moving.

"I don't know why you wanted to curl it, it'll never hold."

"It's your wedding, bear. It's going to look beautiful." she insisted.

And yeah, it was gorgeous. I was super fluffy looking, draping along my shoulders. My mom put the pink rose crown on my head, making me sigh in defeat.

"I told you you'd love it."

"It's going to look like trash in a few hours." I snickered.

My makeup was completed after I applied a bright red lipstick to my lips, grinning happily. My mom and I got the dress off the rack and I quickly got myself into it.

This dress was magical. I didn't want to ask Ale for input beforehand, but I did, and he said he wanted something that paid homage to the dress I wore in Niagara Falls.

It kind of looked like it, but it was a lot longer in the front, about to my knee, with a long flowy train behind me, dragging across the ground. I decided to wear pretty sandals instead of cowboy boots, even if they were an important part of the look. I had the shoes in the house, anyway.

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