The Party (part 2)

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Faith and Chad (Fad)

Faiths Pov

       I stood outside of my house, the early morning sun blinding me. Since the sleepover ended in the morning, I had to be home by 8:00 which isn't very convenient without coffee
      "Are you going to unlock the house or not?" I asked half asleep. My mom sighed, before walking up and unlocking the door. I grabbed my things and walked inside.
      The first thing I did was walk into my room, shutting the door behind me. Then I grabbed my phone, and threw my luggage on the ground.
      Once I had my phone, I was ready to get ready. And by that I mean, washing my face, and fixing my bed head.
     After that I was planning on FaceTiming Chad. After all I promised him last night I'd call him as soon as I get home. And let's just say I'm not one to break promises.
     I threw my hair brush across the room, before grabbing my phone beside me. Scrolling up my contacts until I landed on Chads. And within a short second I was failing him up.
     Within the first two rings he didn't answer. Which I had began to think he wasn't going to answer at all. But to my surprise he did.
      "Hello..?" He said groggily. I could tell he had just woken up from his extremely messy blonde hair, to the blanket wrapped around him.
"Sorry did I wake you?" I asked holding in my laughter, from the train wreck in blankets.
"No I was awake." He said rubbing his eyes, before slightly opening them.
"I'd beg to differ." I said with a smirk, earning a grin from Chad. Who had managed to finally open his eyes.
"Okay, you got me. I stayed up." He admitted with a loud yawn.
"Till how long?" I asked. Chad locked at the clock on his phone, before looking back at me.
"An hour ago..." He shrugged.
"An hour ago?! For real get your sleep!" I scolded him, but it didn't seem to faze him.
"I had reasons...." he said.
Within a blink of an eye, someone had plopped on Chads bed. Scarring him, but it only took me a quick second to realize it was Richard.
"So I'm guessing that's the reason?" I asked laughing. But Chad wasn't amused, he was more concerned with trying to get Richard off him.
"No. He stayed up all night talking about-"
"Shut it service!" Chad interrupted. "My mom said he could stay the night, so he's been keeping me up." He finished.
"Makes since." I laughed. In the Background Richard was making fun of Chad when he wasn't looking. Like that stupid things kids do.
"So... what you all up to?" I asked feeling a tad bit awkward. As Chad was swatting away Richard. Who was a pacifist and just walked out the room.
"Well I was hoping we could go to the Morgan later on today. If that's okay with you." Chad asked.
"Is Richard tagging along?" I asked, hoping to god that he wasn't. Honestly I'd love for Chad and I to have alone time.

Chads Pov

I had just arrived at the Morgan center, walking into the lobby. Then I saw her. Sitting on a chair, jamming out to music through her headphones. But before I could run up and scare her she had noticed me.
"Am I late?" I asked sheepishly. Earning a giggle from Faith.
"No your just on time." She explained. "I just arrived here myself."
"Okay good. I hate being late." I said walking up to the counter so I can check in.
"Do you now?" Faith asked, as showed the lady my card.
"Yes I do." I said smugly. Turning around to face Faith. Who had already put away her phone.
        "So what would you like to do, M'lady." I asked kissing Faiths hand. Who grabbed my arm and started to pull me to the game room.
       "W-w-wait what are we doing." I stammered.
        "Ping pong."
        "Ping pong?"
       Me and Faith had entered the game room, our ping pong paddles in hand.
       "I don't even know how to play." I complained. While Faith had served the ball. Which zoomed past me so fast, the only thing I hit with my paddle was air.
      "Then this is going to be easy." Laughed Faith.
       Let's just say for the rest of the day she kicked my ass in ping pong.

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