Wrong Text Wrong Time

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A Bradley and Cody fanfic (Brody)

Bradleys Pov
I slunk down on my couch, it's been at least a month since Cynthia and I broke up. And honestly I thought I would be okay. But little did she know the real reason behind the break up.
I was gay.
Now if I told any of my friends that they would probably judge me, including Cody.
He was my best friend, but oh did I want us to be more than friends. His black hair, tall figure, all of it enticed me.
And all this time he had no clue.... Of course he still thinks I like girls, but honestly just as friends. There fun to hang around, not date.
So if people could just stop shipping me with them that would be nice.
Bring! My phone rang beside me, I looked down. It was a picture from Cody. Knowing him it was probably shoes or something, it's usually always shoes.
I swiped right and put in my passcode, before going and answering codys text.
But when I went down to look at it. It wasn't shoes, not at all. Not even close. Did he send this to me?!
It was a dick pic. I grabbed my phone and ran into my room, not wanting the rest of my family in the kitchen to see the picture.
I shut and locked he door behind me. And quickly scurried to my bed. By now Cody was already spamming my phone with text messages.
"That wasn't meant for you!"
"Don't look at it bro."
I saved the picture onto my phone, and left Cody at read. I threw my phone across the room, and sat there. My arms wrapped around my legs, I just thought
You idiot why did you think that was for you!
He's straight your gay!
You dumb gay faggot, he'll never love you!
I was so stupid, and poor Cody had no fucking idea...

One month later

I sat in class, and listened as Mrs.Patterson rambled on about Social study junk. I honestly can't pay attention, I know I'm smart. If I just tried it would all make sense, but honestly I like it when people underestimate me.
"Bradley?" A voice asked. I looked up, Cody was standing above me. His hand on my shoulder, and a puzzled expression on his face.
       "What." I mumbled out, setting my head back down on the table. Cody continued talking, but I honestly wasn't listening I was to busy ignoring him.
Yup that's right I was ignoring him. Because I knew if I talked to him I would do something stupid, and/or confess my feelings. Which is a no go as of right now.
"Bro are you even listening?!" Cody said in a harsh whisper. Not wanting to alert the teacher of our talking.
"Nope." I said popping the 'p'. Little did I know this made Cody mad. Seeing as he grabbed the hem of my chair, spinning me around to face him.
"Cody!" Mrs.patterson yelled. Codys eyes were still locked on me despite.
"We need to talk." He whispered out, then got up and walked over to his seat.
As he moved I could feel his gaze still on me, his eyes burning through my skin. I shrunk down in the seat, running hand through my curls.
"Damn what was that?" I heard someone ask behind me. I slightly turned around. Mayah B.
She was Miss popular at our school, but then again me and Cody were like the most known boys at our school. But Mayah was a friend, wether she acted like it or not.
"Nothing." I murmured, just loud enough for her to hear me.
"That's obviously not true... look I honestly don't know what happened. But a lot of people are concerned about you." Mayah spoke, going over and sitting next to me.
"Really like who." I said harsher than I should have.
"Well mostly Cody and Aus-"
"I don't care what Cody thinks." I lied, staring at my feet.
"Yes you do." She smiled, Mayah was the only person that knew I was gay. And she actually was totally fine with it as long as 'I didn't steal her man'.
"Look Bradley, Cody really cares about you." She said looking back at the dark haired boy.
"Sure he does, even so how would you know?" I asked snootily.
"Well first of he freaked out when you ignored him, and then he wanted to go to your house everyday. But guess who-"
"I get it." I sighed
"Good that." Mayah said getting up, and walking to her seat. I grabbed my things and got ready to walk out of the door. The bell was going to ring any second now.
"Since you guys were a good class you all can leave early." Mrs.Patterson announced as she sat on her messy desk. Which was a jumble of papers she had yet to grade.
     I began to walk out of class, one of my ear buds hanging out of my ear. It was a perfect afternoon, and well I guess it made me smile a bit.
      I trudged behind the group of kids, but strange enough I couldn't spot Cody in the crowd. And just then someone tugged on my arm.
     I turned around, it was Cody. I could feel my heart sinking, as I looked up at him. And then he did something I never thought he would do. He leaned down and kissed me.
     Just as the kiss started it stopped. The bell had rung and kids were pouring out of class rooms.
     "I don't know what I did wrong, but please forgive me." Cody said grabbing my hand. I smiled, and for once I didn't feel bad anymore.
     "One month was long enough." I said with a smirk.
     "Look. Never again with the pictures." Cody said with a laugh and we began to walk to the cafeteria.
     "I'm just glad we're on the same page." I said kissing Cody's cheek.
     "Me to."

Part two???

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