The Movie

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Vanessa and Ethan D (Vethan)

Vanessa's Pov

I had just finished packing up my violins before I started to walk out Mrs.Cooper class. I was a little jittery, seeing it was my first date with Ethan. A boy who I had just started to date.
      I remember when he asked me out. We were walking to his bus after school, he'd made sure to pull me aside. Complement me, tell me I'm
Beautiful, and then kissed me. All before the big question. Which of course I said yes.
      It only took me a quick blink to realize I was swooning over the thought in the hallway. I laughed to myself before walking to the bus loop.
Ethan had previously told me that I'd be riding on his bus. Which I was totally fine with that, and as far as my mom knows I'm staying at Hannah G's house. Which again, I am totally fine with.
I had reached the bus loop, and saw Ethan standing outside of his bus. He happily greeted me and walked me to his seat.
Lots of kids were on this bus, and all the seats were full. Except for one which I had presumed Ethan had saved for us.
"After you sweetie pie." Ethan said with a smile. I could help but chuckle from his horrible pet name.
"What? To spoon?" He asked, leaving me to laugh again and nod. This was just the beginning of his corny joke chain
       "Why'd the chicken cross the road?"
       "Why" I would ask.
      "To get to lovely's house."
      "Knock knock."
      "Who's there." Id ask.
      "The chicken." He said wiggling his eyebrows.
       His stupid jokes continued all the way until we reached his bus stop. Which he made sure to take the longest route possible to tell me more jokes.
       "Ethan what's wrong?"
       "What do you mean?" He asked, raising and eyebrow.
        "Well it's just your acting a lot different, I mean jokes are good but; this doesn't seem like you." I said swinging my viola case.
        "Thank god." Ethan laughed with a sigh.
         "I've been doing all these stupid jokes to impress you." He stated, shrugging. "Honestly I'm nervous as hell."
        "First off you don't need to do jokes to impress me, I love you for who you are." I said grabbing Ethan's hand.
"And secondly why would you of all people be nervous?" I said with a laugh.
       "Because it's you, I just feel like I need to go above and beyond with you." He admitted.
      "Ethan that's flattering, but trust me you don't need to go above and beyond with me. I'm fine just with being with you." I smiled.
       "So you don't need a fancy diner?" Ethan asked, with a smirk.
       "It's nice, but I'm fine with pizza and a movie."
       "Then pizza and a movie it is."

           3 Harry Potter movies later

Ethan's Pov
         I yawned laying in my pillow fort, my brown hair a mess. Vanessa had fallen asleep while we were spooning, and I obviously didn't have the heart to wake her up.
         I smiled looking down at the mess we made. What a fun night. We are pizza, played games, even somehow managed to build a huge pillow fort; the size of half my living room.
        Vanessa somehow manage to like me for the retarded mess I am, and liked my corny knock knock jokes. I'm so grateful for her.
       "Good night sweetie pie." I whispered to Vanessa before kissing her cheek. Wrapping my arms tightly around her, and falling into a deep embrace.
       I love my sweetie pie.

                    Alternate ending

    Don't read this like seriously, I've       
                 warned you. XXX

Vanessa's Pov
         I woke up to a sudden tightness in my lower back. I tried to get up to see what was bothering me so much but Ethan's arms were wrapped tightly around me. And I didn't want to wake him up over something not so important.
      As the minutes passed the tightness only got stronger, and it felt like something was shoving my back. The more I though about it, I had brushed of the tightness as Ethan's leg. And just decided to leave it at that.
      "Vanessa~" Ethan moaned out, making me blush hard. It only took me that moan to figure out what that "tightness" was; Ethan's erection.
       Freaking out slightly, I managed to wiggle out of his grip. And stand up, only to see what I was expecting. Ethan having a wet dream, about me....
       Confused, and slightly scared. I honestly didn't know what to do, but just sit and stare. But after while staring at Ethan's junk got boring. And hearing his hot moans kinda turned me on.
      While the thought of having underaged sex sounded scandalous. I kinda smiled at the thought, after all
other girls have done it before. And it's not like I'm at home.
       So I started out slow. I reached out and started to touch his closed member. Earning him to moan. Since he didn't wake up or move to the touch, this was my cue that I could do more.
      I started to rub him through his closed member, which was rock solid.
And also earned quite the moan from him. I continued doing this until he moved.
     My rebellious side kicking in I kept going, even though he might wake up at any second. So I palmed him; Nice and good. Until he stopped moaning.
     I looked over at Ethan who's eyes fluttered open, and looked at me with terror.
     "What the Fuck!" Ethan yelled, throwing a pillow over his junk. Scooting back in the fort.
      "It's not what it looks like!" I stammered, my face turning to a deep red.
      "So I wasn't getting touched?! Because that's totally what didn't happen!" Ethan yelled, both angry and confused.
      I didn't know what to do, and in the moment I freaked out and started to cry.
     Ethan rushed over and comforted me, telling me not to cry. But the situation was so awkward that's all I could do.

See that's why you don't fuck people when their sleeping, that's the moral of the story. (Also I didn't want to write smut at 10:00 at night so that too)

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