Part 4 - Curiosity

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Clarke POV

I get back and immediately find Lincoln and Octavia. But I know not to enter their tent without announcing myself, don't want to see that again. As I'm waiting in my tent for my two most trusted warriors, I glance over my maps. It doesn't take long for them to enter my tent and I don't waste time telling them I was attacked and where. Just like I expected, they went into protector mode, saying they should have been with and they should have don't this or that. That partially angered me because they know I can take care of myself, and I let them know that, almost slipping when I told them one got away.

Just as I was about to tell them we need a plan to take out the rest of the Mountain Men, I hear one of my guards call from outside my tent. I call back for him to enter, and Ryder bows his head before speaking. I am still surprised at how all the grounders respect me just because she chose me. Well, most do anyway, but that matter is for another time.

It turns out Raven needed to talk to Octavia. I gave permission for her to go and we would continue later. When Octavia and Lincoln leave it's just Ryder and me. I nod to him silently telling him that he may leave. Then, I am left alone, just me and my reoccurring thoughts. Her grave. The Mountain Men. The Fight. The Brunette. I keep telling myself that I imagined it but, it just felt so real, and unknown. I decide that I can't take it anymore and needed to know. I mean, if it wasn't real that means that I could have been hallucinating, and hallucinating could be from the drugs, although it had been over two weeks.

I take a breath and turn to exit my tent. "Ai laik going gon a walk kom clear ai head." (I am going for a walk to clear my head.) I tell Ryder, as he is still at his post near my tent.

"Heda, Laik yu sure yu beda go alone?" (Are you sure you should go alone?)

"Ai will be fine Ryder." I tell him and he hesitantly nods before I turn and walk into the woods. I just had to know.

As I approach where I was attacked, I take a moment to remember which direction I was facing. I turn a little to my right and started walking. Not long after, I came to a tree and notice slightly smoking branches formed in a pile on the ground about a foot away from the tree. I bend down slightly, getting a better look at it, with my hand on the hilt of my sword in case something happened. Looking at the remains left, I could see that it was a fire that was put out not that long ago.

As I rise, I look around and notice a broken twig. It's a long shot, but it's the only thing I have that says I didn't imagine it. I cautiously walk forward and hear a very faint noise just ahead to my left. I do nothing to acknowledge it, and as I approach where I thought I heard it, I pull out my sword and spin.

As soon as I do, I can feel my feet get knocked from beneath me and as I start to fall, I grab ahold of an arm while dropping my sword. As we hit the ground we roll for a bit before I feel metal against my neck. I can't see anything due to me facing the other way, but I hear a gasp and it gives me the perfect opportunity. I use my leg and swipe my opponents from beneath them while grabbing what was my own sword from their hands and reversing our positions. Then, my eyes widened.

Ravens POV

Clarke hasn't asked for my presence or talked to me since everything at the mountain, so I was confused as to why she wanted to talk to me now. I enter her tent and my eyes widen a little bit in realization. I haven't seen Clarke in her full armor. Everything is pitch black except for Lexas' bright red slash and her war paint has a slight green tint to it. "You're starring Raven." She says with a slight tone of amusement, and that is very unlike Clarke. It's more like the old Clarke. I look down at the ground and she sighs. "How are you?" She asks.

I look back up to her and a slight smile creeps onto my face. "I'm hanging in there." with that, she nods and takes a step forward.

"Raven, I need you to make two radios for me that can only connect to each other, and I need you to keep this quiet, nobody can know." She tells me.

"Why would you want a two-way radio? I mean, yeah I can make them but it's kind of a waste of resources to just make the two connect if you ask me." I say but regret it when she looks at me.

"Then it's a good thing I didn't ask your opinion, so just make them!" She growls. My mouth was slightly open when she said that and after, I fell silent looking at the ground once again. After a few seconds, I hear her release a heavy breath. "I'm sorry Raven. It's just, I can't exactly tell you why. Not yet. And it's important." I look up to see that her expression had softened and that she meant what she said. And once again, she seemed like the old Clarke.

"It's ok Clarke" I say shaking my head, "I can have them done in four days at the most." She smiles and nods at this and I turn to leave the tent.

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