Part 7 - The 'Old Clarke'

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Raven POV

I get down the ladder and I can't believe it. I turn around and see Clarke in Lexa's arms. Lexa looks at me with a slight smile then looks at Clarke. "Clarke, you know I'm supposed to be hiding." She says and Clarke takes a step towards me.

"I know, but I had to tell someone. Plus, I had her make these." She said and pulled out the two radios I made her. I didn't even notice she brought them with her. "This way if there is an emergency you can let me know." Lexa opens her mouth, but Clarke doesn't let her get a word out. "Only for emergencies. You know I don't want to lose you again." Lexa smiles and moves to give Clarke a kiss on the cheek. I start wondering if I should leave but know that Clarke told me for a reason.

"Also," Clarke starts, looking at me. "She kind of gave me the push I needed to realize what an ass I have been. She gave me one of her famous lectures and I really needed it." She says and Lexa nods. "I promise to start acting more like myself and not Heda, but you can't tell anyone. Not Octavia, not Lincoln, not Finn. No one." She says to me and I nod. "Of course. I'm just happy you opened up to someone. Even though I am surprised it was me and not Octavia." Clarke nods and turns to Lexa.

"We really do need to get back though. I only came back to tell and show Raven."

"That's okay Clarke. I know how busy a Heda is." Lexa says and I laugh, but Clarke doesn't.

"Yeah." she says and looks at me quickly before turning towards Lexa to give her a quick kiss. I really am glad Lexa is alive. It will be good for Clarke, but I know she still has a thing out for Cage. We slowly climb out of the bunker and head back towards camp.

Octavia POV

"Finally, where the Hell were you two? Lincoln and I were worried." I say and know it's in a mother's tone, but we have been worrying about Clarke more and we were supposed to be getting ready for our plan.

"Talking." Clarke says and Raven laughs. I look at her confused.

"Yeah more like yelling." Raven said. "Sorry Clarke" she says then turns to Lincoln and me. "I kind of lost it and went into full lecture mode." Raven says and I see Clarke smile.

"It's okay, I needed it." She says to Raven but then turns to us.

"I know I have been harsh. Well, I know that now, and I'm sorry. I've just had a hard time with the whole Mountain thing. Raven, shall we say, enlightened me on what a bitch I have been." She says with a smirk. Now that's the old Clarke. "And like I told Raven, I'll try acting like the old Clarke as she said, and less as your Heda." Clarke says and I can't help the smile on my face.

"Well, it's glad to have you back Clarke." Lincoln says and she nods.

"Well, we have some planning to do. Head to my tent and I'll be there in a second." She says and we walk towards her tent.

Clarke POV

As Octavia and Lincoln walk ahead of Raven and me to my tent, I grab Raven's arm to tell her to hang back. "Thank you." I say and she smiles.

"No problem, your secret is safe with me." She tells me and we continue the walk. We get to my tent and as I suspected, Lincoln and Octavia voice their concerns again.

"What if this goes wrong and you get hurt?"

"I'll have you guys there to make sure nothing happens." I say and they look at each other, not convinced. "Look if you guys see anything off, anything at all, you guys can take whatever action you think necessary. I trust you with my life, all of you." I say looking from Octavia to Lincoln and to Raven.

"We know."

"And we trust you as well." They say and I smile and nod. It takes about two hours to get everything planned out so there is no room for error. I sigh and look outside my tent. The sun has gone down, but just recently.

"You should all go and get some rest. Tomorrow morning, I will gather everything, and we will head out." I say and they nod looking tired. They all leave, Raven exiting last and I give her a small smile.

Finally, I was alone and there were a million thoughts running through my mind. I was confident in the plan, we looked at every possibility, but something was bugging me, and it was bugging me even more that I didn't know what it was. I sigh and shake my head. 'Just anxious' I think to myself before blowing out the candle and climbing into bed. 

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