The Train

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This is my first fanfiction and I hope I don't screw it up. Thx to J.K. Rowling for being an awesome person to look up to and for the inspiration to my stories.

I do not own any of the following characters except lailee and Julius. All other characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling.


When I imagined Hogwarts, I believed it would be one word; magical. Not eventful or dangerous- although a little danger never hurt someone- but it seemed to be. I was a 3rd year when Harry Potter joined. He caused a lot of trouble. Not him, himself but him being there did.

I never even imagined that I would fall in love there, but that happened too. It was my first year at Hogwarts, I had gotten on the train and sat by myself. Mum and Dad had left me 10 galleons, a tube of lipstick, and a note, saying my owl, Petal, would be at school when I got there.

I was in the middle of reading my note when 2 boys opened the door. Both with streaking read hair and scrawny. They seemed to be identical, as a matter of fact.

"Do you mind?" One said pointing to the seat across me.

"Your fine. Go ahead take a seat." I smiled, pointing at the seat. The second one had a glint in his eye that intrigued me. My heart began to thump faster as I my face blushed. He kept staring at me and when I caught him he would blush too.

"Would you like anything?" An old, frail woman asked pushing a cart with candies on it. The boys emptied their pockets, counting every galleon.

"Um, a chocolate frog and," I tapped my finger my chin and stood to see the other side. "And a Bertie Bott's, please." She smiled a big smile and handed them to me.

"12 knuts." I reached in my pocket to give them to her as she whispered in my ear, keep ahold of that Weasley twin, he seems very interested in you." She winked and I sat down.

"4 chocolate frogs and a chocolate wand." The first twin said.

"Yes please." Said the second one.

"That'll be 2 sickles." She smiled.

"Oh but we only have 1 and 13 knuts." They said in unison, pouting.

"No you have 2 sickles." I opened up my hand and showed them the shiny coins." Both of their eyes lit up.

"Thank you!" Twin one grabbed at my hand and paid.

"Hey fellas, maybe stick with a friend like her." She winked, and walked away.

I blushed, pushing my nose in one of our textbooks, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Newt Scallamander seemed like an interesting man. His writing was, in fact, intriguing and made me want to get a other text book.

"What you got there?" One of the twins asked me.

"It's just a book, it'll probably bore you if I told you what it's about." I spoke sternly as I kept my eyes on the book.

"No it won't, I promise. And Fred went to find a friend of ours so I will listen and not be bored." He smiled.

"Okay then." I turned to face him. I hadn't even noticed one of them had slipped out of the car. "It's a fascinating book about these creatures, it's written by Newt Scallamander. He seems so dedicated to his work." He smiled as I began to swell with happiness. "Itsts just a good book." I smiled watching his smile disipitate into a giggle.

"That does sound good." He leaned back and put his feet on the other side of my legs, stretching his legs out across the seats. "What's your name?"

"Oh, mine. My name is Lailee Sederous." I smiled, as he looked at me for a moment.

"Is your brother Julius Sederous?" He rubbed his fingers on his chin.

"Yes, the sixth year." He snapped his fingers in agreement. "And your name is?"

"Well, I'm the mighty Ge-" he began to say, but was interupted by his twin.

"Brother, I found him. Let's go!" He grabbed his brothers hand and pulled him out of the cart.

"I'll talk to you later I guess." I added, as I put my nose back in my book.

He was quite handsome that day, but I didn't pay attention to that as much. His spirit seemed so lively, much like his brothers. He seemed to care about the stuff I was interested after talking to me for about 5 minutes. But I still had alot going on that day.

Thank you for reading. I'll try to add another part soon!

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