Year 3

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I don't even want to talk about 2nd year. It was horrendous; to me at least. I wish that Angelina wasn't such a nice person, or my roomate. All I can hear is "George this" and "George that."

Sometimes I wanted to hit her but I held back. George and I still were friends but mainly because of Potions. We were partners- and alot of stuff was partner work. Snape and I got along well, so he let me choose my partners occasionally. And I sometimes chose Bailey, but most of the time, George.

But 3rd year came to the rescue. After the summer of 2nd year, George and I ran into each other on the train.

"Lailee!" He said, with a bright smile on his face. He and Fred still had their baggage and needed a place to sit. "Can we?"

"Of course." I smiled back. I was hopeful still. Bailey came and sat down by me, and Collin followed sitting by the guys. "How are you two?" I asked the twins.

"Fantastic!" Said Fred.

"Marvelous!" Shouted George.

"We had a good summer." Fred smiled.

"Yes indeed." George smiled at me, "our little brother Ron, got into Hogwarts!" They both winked at each other.

"Anything off the trolley dears?" A new witch pushing the candy cart asked.

"2 chocolate frogs and a Berties." Fred said, as he paid 4 sickles.

"A chocolate wand." Collin said, paying 7 knuts. Bailey shook her head in despite. "I don't understand why Bonnie was fired from trolley work." He said sadly.

"I'll have a Bertie Botts." I smiled, handing the old witch 1 sickle and 3 knuts.

"Ought to be because she was charging so little to you twits." The old wrinkled lump smiled.

She walked away and all four friends looked at me.

"Since when do you eat those jelly beans?" Bailey asked. I understood why they were puzzled. I hadn't eaten them for a year.

"Since first year." I smiled popping a chocolate bean in my mouth.

"Awe that's right." Fred smiled.

"You paid for the rest of ours after you bought them." George looked at me for a moment, as if he were figuring me out.

"They are quite delicous." I offered them to Bailey and Collin. "Oh come on now, it's just strawberry jam." Collins face lit up. He grabbed a bean out of my hand and began to chew.

"It is good!" He smiled, nodding his chubby head.

"Oh fine." Bailey said grabbing the bean and setting in her mouth. "This," She chewed, "is good." She said monotone.

"She told you." George winked.

Hours passed as we made our way to Hogwarts. Mum and Dad packed me a book or 5, incase I got bored. I read 4 of them and explained some of the fascinating parts to everyone. George seemed so, what's the word, caring about my books. Fred just plugged his ears.

"First years!" Hagrid called out as the train slowed. A sea of students overflowed out of the train cars.

Fred grabbed his stuff first, then Bailey, and Collin. George and I sat and awaited what would happen.

"You know," he looked at his hands. "I broke up with Angelina over the break." Puzzled, I looked at him sincerely. "We bagan to date again before break and things weren't really working out. But I'm open. I mean I'm free, anytime. Just to hang out or study or go to Zonko's." He giggled.

"I might just take you up on that offer." I blushed reaching for my stuff.

"I've got that." George grabbed my stuff and his suitcase. "Don't worry." He smiled, carrying 4 suitcases and a cauldron.

"Ill take the cauldron." I grabbed it from his hand, barely brushing his finger. A sharp shudder went through my spine. Not a bad one, it was like another spark.

"Let's hurry." He walked a little faster, trying to get to the Dining hall faster.

When we got there, there was an empty space between Collin and Bailey, for me, and a spot for George by Fred.

After the Sorting Hat's appearance, I began to dig in. After 2 years of taste testing food, I knew what I wanted. I ate a small roll with mashed potatoes, bacon, and ham. I'm healthy and I know it.

"Ron, is this Harry Potter?" Fred asked his little redheaded brother, pointing at the boy next to him.

"Yes, in fact it is." A bushy haired girl announced. "And I'm Hermione Granger." She held out a hand to all of us.

"I'm Harry." The boy with glasses smiled.

"Pleased to meet you Harry and Hermione." I grasped Hermione's hand and shook it. She smiled and looked around for more food.

"How was the ride?" I asked Ron.

"Well, I made a new friend, so that's got to be good." He smiled slightly.

"I would say so." I said, picking up a price of ham.

"And what would your name be?"he winced.

"Oh, me. I'm Lailee, Lailee Sederous." He grinned from ear-to-ear and smiled at Goerge, who blushed.

"Oh really." He nudged George's elbow and vegan to eat more.

The night slowly drifted away, but around midnight, I suddenly awoke. I couldn't go back to sleep. I crept into the Commons with a book in my hand. The fireplace still aglow, I sat on the comfy couch by the fire and began to read.

"Lailee?" A familiar voice whispered. Startled, I jumped and turned around to see Hermione. "Why are you up?" She rubbed her eyes and walked towards me. She had her hair in a slouchy bun, and wore a pink lacey nightgown.

"I'm just not tired." I spoke softly. I offered her a spot by my legs and she slouched down leaning to the other side.

"Will you read to me?" She asked.

"Sure," I stuttered, "the owls turned to face the briefcase. I crept closer until I could see a man in the briefcase. He eyed me slowly and then waved me over. Suspiciously I walked closer. His shirt read, 'Scamander'. Relieved I inched closer and he asked me one question. 'Will you follow me, Jacob?'" I smiled, looking to see Hermione, her head tilted back and drool on her cheek.

I settled back and dozed away. I dropped my book in my lap. Then suddenly, a noise caught my attention.

Thank you for reading. I do not own any characters except Lailee, Bailey and Collin. I hope you keep reading.


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