Year 1

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When we arrived at Hogwarts, we were greeted by a tall man named Hagrid. He lead us to the castle, which was very fancy, if you ask me. He warned us that the stairways move and that sometimes the paintings will look so alive that you want to touch it, but the paintings get embarresed.

Slowly as we walked up a flight of stairs, we were greeted by an older witch, with a pointy hat and green set of robes on. She introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. Some kids awed in wonder but I didn't fully understand why.

Slowly and steadily she lead us to the front of the enchanting dining room. It was beautiful and the long tables made the room seem bigger. There were 4 tables one for each house. I didn't know exactly which house I wanted to be in, as long as I wasn't with the smart ones.

"Now when I call your names, you will step up and I will place the sorting hat on your head." She smiled. "Alan Switchy." She looked up from her scroll as a young boy with glasses and curly blonde hair walked up the steps.

"Ahah! Ravenclaw!" The hat yelled out as a table began to cheer.

A load more of students went up and down being sorted out. I finally looked up when there were a small crowd of students left, about 15 or so. Some talked about their parents houses, whereas I was a Muggle born. I looked around the group when I spotted two red sets of hair. I watched slowly as one was called up.

"Fred Weasley." She announced with a small ounce of agony. He stepped up and sat on the stool with a smile on his face.

"Well, bravery I see," the hat began, "Nice sense of humor, Gryffindor!" He shouted.

"George Weasley." She announced as Fred left the stage and walked to the table, greeted by kids. George walked up shakily and sat down with a slight grin on his face.

"The other one," the hat said quietly. Then it mumbled something that made George go red. "Brave hearted! Gryffindor!" George smiled as he walked down the steps. As he walked he noticed me, and I him, and turned his head as he walked.

2 more kids followed when she called out my name. "Lailee Sederous." I walked up swiftly not even catching a beat. Dumbledore seemed to nod as I walked up; leaving me dumbfounded.

"Aye, a mighty hard one we have here. You have a brave heart, your wits could get you far." He said slowly. "But you have compassion, Gryffindor!" I smiled as I walked to the table with people standing and cheering.

I sat down by a young girl with blueish grey hair and across from a young boy with brown hair. Both smiled and gave me a high five.

They announced 3 more Slytherins, 4 Hufflepuffs, and 2 Ravenclaw, then the feast began.

Practically everything was on the table. I couldn't help but eat a helping of each. The turkey was roasted perfectly and the beans and rice were delicous, but my favorite was the nutmeg cake. As I stuffed my face quickly, not taking anytime to socialize, I noticed the boy looking at me like I was disfunctional.

"Collin Lightgood," he smiled as he reached his hand out to me. I took his hand and shook it with a smile. "Nice handshake."

"Thank you, Lailee Sederous. Pleased to meet you." He smiled brightly.

"And I'm Bailey, Bailey DeLivve." The girl announced.

"Nice to meet you Bailey." She smiled and we sat and enjoyed dinner for a little longer. Until we were rushed to the Dormitory.

"The password this year is Octopus-Leviosa." A curly haired boys said as we wait outside the door way. "Octopus-Leviosa." He smiled. The woman in the picture was dressed as a mermaid and winked at the boy.

"Come on in fellas!" She announced with almost a pirate voice.

We walked down a small tunnel before reaching the Commons. Then the girls and boys split up into rooms. I shared a room with Bailey, a girl named Chylet, and her best friend, Angelina. By what Bailey had said, they were the most popular girls in the first year Gryffindor.

When the two had run off to explore the Commons with some friends, Bailey and I stayed in the room on our own. We told stories of our parents and lives. Some were truly embarressing but I didn't really care at the time. She explained how her parents were mortified of the letter but she went and lived with her Aunt Lucinda, who was a witch.

Bailey's life was intriguing and I wanted to know more. With that one night I began to create a new friendship, that little did I know, would blossom into a great friendship and into sisterhood.

Every word of hope she spoke, bled into my heart and I loved it. Even in the darkest of times she still had hope and happiness. Collin even began to grow happier.

Eventually I got around to telling her about the train ride there. She would "ooh" and "ahh" at every word. Sometimes it made me blush. I never really did talk to George in my first year. But one thing is for sure We did both share a connection- a spark if you will, on that train ride. He and I spoke for maybe a total of 30 minutes that whole year.

Nothing really changed in 2nd year either. Besides him dating Angelina, which that didn't last long, but I did become better friends with him. In 3rd year is when alot changed.

Thank you for reading. I do not own any of the characters except Lailee, Bailey, Collin, and Chylet. Please keep reading and writing comments!

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