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Iosif no longer limped and was already working like he was when he first got here.

The men treated him normally, although sometimes when I came into the room they would pretend he was the fucking boss.

Except my dad, my dad would act like a bit of a jerk.

I walked down the hallway, past Iosif and he squeezed my ass. I squeaked and Ellie looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I hid behind my hair blushing and Ellie chuckled, with a smirk.
"Don't let him get away with it."
She whispered in my ear, and I smirked.

We stopped at the staircase until Ellie spotted him coming down the hallway again with paperwork.

We smirked and began to walk towards him down the hallway. Before he passed me, my hand ran over his crotch then I walked away while he froze.

I could feel his eyes bruning holes in the back of my head and I swayed my hips as I walked away.

I walked into the main living room with Ellie, where my parents sat and we sat down with them and watched TV.

"The Korean are coming over tonight and will be staying the night."
My dad announced and I sighed.
I asked looking at them.

"They want to discuss some buisness."
He replied and I nodded then got up and left to the kitchen with Ellie.

Adrien sat in there, talking to one of the maids. She smiled at us and walked over.

"The korean are coming tonight."
I told her and she groaned, before wrapping her arms around us and pecking our foreheads.

"Well, you girl know what to do. Go get all fancied up."
Adrien replied and I nodded while Ellie groaned.
"Great. Lets go get in fancy gowns and act like rich classy people from the 1950's."
She replied and Adrien shot her a look.

"Don't act stupid."
She warned and Ellie nodded with a sigh then I grabbed her hand.
"Come on lets go find some outfits."
I announced and dragged her up to my bedroom to find some clothes.

I shut my bedroom door then walked into the closet.
"What should we wear?"
I asked and Ellie followed me in.

She looked through my racks of clothes before deciding on a simple black dress.

It was shortsleeved and went down to her ankles. It was black and had a see-through back. The skirt part was a bit flowy.

I grabbed a pair of black flats and a pair of black tights for her. She took them to the bed and set them down.

She walked back in and helped me look for a dress.
"I like this one."
I told her showing her a navy blue dress that went down to my ankles, and clung to my curves with see-through sleeves.

She agreed then left to her room, taking her dress and everything else with her while I had a shower.


I got out of the shower and walked over to the bed where my clothes sat.
"Are you ignoring me?"
Iosif asked, sitting on the couch.

I jumped a little then looked at him, wide eyed.
"No, I am not ignoring you."
I replied picking up my clothes.
"Well you haven't talked to me all morning."
He said, walking over to me.

"I just haven't seen you much this morning."
I replied when suddenly his hands were on my hips.
"I don't like when you ignore me, Adalina."
He whispered, lightly nipping at my ear.

"Iosif, I have no time for your seducing right now."
I replied firmly and left to the bathroom. I shut the door then got dressed quickly.

He knocked on the door and walked in as I opened my makeup bag.
"Why are you mad at me?"
He asked as I pulled out my eyeshadow brush.

"I'm not mad, I just seriously have no time for sex today. The Korean are coming here and they always get all 'ugh' when we're not ready and fancy."
I replied begining to apply my makeup.

"I see. The Koreans, is that boy who asked-"
"If I was ready to marry, yes. Don't cause a scene, got it? They are very touchy people, considering their family, at least in this area, is very low."
I told him and he nodded his head.

"We only have an alliance with them because they were big once, and my grandpa made an alliance then they just sort of, fell."
I explained and he silently nodded. I finished my makeup and put it away.

I then ran a straightener through my hair quickly. I slipped on my flats and looked at Iosif. I fixed his hair slightly and smiled at him.

He pecked my lips and I grabbed his hand and led him out of the room. We walked down the stairs as the Koreans walked into the house.

They looked up at us and my parents smiled. David Li walked in and looked annoyed and a bit surprised at the sight of Iosif and I.

We all walked into the dining room and the men all pulled the seats out, then pushed them back in, once the women had sat down.

Everyone had quiet conversations while we ate lunch. Iosif looked around the room, scanning it.

"How's your crab?"
I asked taking a bite out of mine.
"Pretty good."
He replied looking at me.
I replied then continued to eat.

Once lunch had finished all the men left to talk. Iosif pecked my lips quickly before following after the rest of the men.

Ellie, my mom, Adrien and I all sat together and talked quietly. My mom kept moving in her seat anxiously, her leg bouncing.

She usaully joined my dad in meetings but the Koreans didn't approve so when they came she wasn't allowed to join.

"What are they discussing today?"
I asked trying to get her to sit still.
"Just touching up the agreement."
My mom replied. I nodded my head and Ellie ran her fingers through my hair, obviously bored.

"Can Ellie and I just sneak off to the garden?"
I asked and my mom shook her head.
"I need you too spy for me and tell me whats going on."
She replied and I smirked.


I held the rope tightly as Ellie huffed and pulled me up closer to the open window.

Once she got me up high enough so that I could hear the conversation, she tied the rope around a beam.

She then sat against the beam and watched for anyone. I grabbed my small recorder and quickly placed it on the ledge, hidden beside the window with me.

I grabbed my notebook and pen and quickly recorded what they were saying, in case the recorder didn't get it all.

"Has marriage crossed your mind at all? I have both a brother and sister."
Their leader suggested and I slightly tensed.

"Both my children are already in relationships and I will not rip them from what makes them happy, just for an alliance."
My dad replied and I jotted it down, a small smile on my face.

"I see."
The leader replied. The rest of the conversation was boring and it sounded like it was going to stop.

I grabbed the recorder and tugged on the rope. Ellie untied the rope from the beam and slowly brought me down.

We hid the gear in the usaul spot and ran inside. I handed my mom the journal and tape recorder.

She shoved them into her 'sewing basket' then we all acted like we had been in a deep conversation the entire time.


I yawned and threw on some comfy pjs. The Koreans stayed on the first floor and everyone went about their day as usaul.

Iosif threw on his pjs and we climbed into bed. We wrapped our arms around each other before falling asleep.

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