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I woke up to the sound of huffing, cursing and things hitting the ground. My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly and looked around my room.

Two men held Iosif as he fought off a third.
I shouted and his eyes snapped to mine, and he recieved a punch to the stomach.

"Get off of him! Help!"
I shrieked at the top of my lungs. Suddenly a fourth man appeared and walked over to me.

I pushed myself up when suddenly he had a fistful of my hair and he dragged me off the bed.

Iosif shouted as the man dragged me over to where he stood. The man released my hair and I fell to the ground.

Why was no one coming?!

I opened my mouth to scream but the man backhanded me and I fell to the ground.

He put a gag in my mouth and I muffled scream as he lifted me off the ground by my wrists.

He held them above my hand when suddenly David Li came out of the shadows and smirked.

Iosif glared at him as he slowly circled me. I glared at him also and he looked at both of us and sighed.

"You belong to me, Adalina-"
"She belongs to no one."
Iosif snarled and David Li's head snapped towards him.

"Yes, she does, whether she accepts it or not. She has been chosen to be my bride since she was young."
He said walking closer to me and I tried to free myself so I could punch the bastards face in.

"She doesn't know it yet, but she will. I will show her what a true man is."
He added stroking my cheek and I kicked him. He backhanded me and my head snapped to the side.

"She will never belong to you."
Iosif spat and David smirked and nodded his head at the man holding my wrists.

The man put both wrists in his one hand and pulled my shirt up, exposing my sports bra.

I struggled in the mans grasp and David smirked.
"Yes, do show them off."
He commented and I stopped, letting my head hang.

David's cold hand was suddenly on my breast, underneath my bra and I screamed. Iosif lunged at him and recieved another punch to the face.

I squeezed my eyes shut and looked away.
"Don't touch her."
Iosif snapped and a tear slid down my cheek.

Suddenly my wrists were released and I fell to my knees. I pulled my shirt down and held myself, my eyes still shut.

"Get away from her."
Iosif warned when suddenly a fistful of my hair was grabbed and my head was forced upwards.

I looked up at David and he lifted me off the ground. He grabbed my shirt and ripped the fabric.

My hands went over my chest while the shards of my shirt fell to the ground. I stared at the ground when suddenly David pulled me into him. He licked the side of my neck and I gagged.

He shoved me to the ground and I curled into myself.
"Have your way with her, men."
David spat and I began to shake.

I heard zippers while Iosif struggled. My hands were pulled and pinned beside my head and I struggled against the men.

Another man began to pull down my pants and I kicked at him when suddenly a gun shot rang out throught the estate, I knew it was my dad because the gunshot sounded really close.

The men released me and stood, grabbing their own weapons and my hands went to my chest again and I curled into myself.

More gunshots rang out when suddenly I heard my dads voice. My door swung open and my dad and all the men raced in, shooting the other men.

Iosif grabbed a gun and shot David-Li in the crotch and he fell to the ground.

I stayed on the ground when suddenly my dad dropped down beside me. He tore off his shirt and placed it on me.

I gripped it and looked up at him. He pulled the gag out of my mouth and pulled me into him.

I hugged him tightly and sobbed on his chest while the men dragged the Korean's to the basement.

My mom was then beside us and held me also while I sobbed.


I had stopped crying and now sat on the floor in my parents arms, the shirt pulled tightly around me.

I then looked around. I got out of their grasp and over to Iosif who still had blood on him, his bare chest covered in bruises.

His head hung low as he stared down at his feet. Once I was in front of him his head slowly raised and he looked at me.

He slowly stood then pulled me into his chest. I held his neck and a few silent tears slid down my cheeks.

My parents left the room and I left to the shower. Iosif tried to walk in but I shook my head.
"Not this one."
I whispered then shut the door softly in his face.

I slowly stepped into the hot water and washed myself, scrubbing roughly where ever they touched me.

I got out finally and wrapped a towel around myself. I grabbed the pj pants and underwear I wore and trashed them, I wanted to forget everything.

"Can you bring this to my dad?"
I whispered handing Iosif my dad's shirt. He nodded and left the room while I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a big t-shirt.

I put on a sports bra underneath then Iosif came back into the room. He got into the shower then dressed himself in his suit.

I sat in the bed and closed my eyes. I just wanted to sleep.


Ellie, my mom and Adrien all lay in my bed with me. None of us spoke we just lay there, my mom lightly stroking my hair.

After awhile my dad came in, along with Ivan, Isaac, Iosif and Arthur. They all sat on the bed and I sat up.

Arthur and Ivan gave me these giant bear hugs and Isaac held me tightly and whispered a sorry into my hair.

My dad hugged me the tightest and he sighed.
"I wasn't there fast enough."
He muttered and I shook my head.
"It's not your fault."
I whispered and he slowly released me.

Iosif stood in the corner of the room and I looked at everybody.
"Can you all excuse us?"
I whispered and they nodded then left.

He pushed himself from the wall and walked over to me. He pulled me into his arms and pecked my forehead.

"I'm sorry. I should have fought harder, or maybe if I hadn't said anything-"
"It's not your fault. We can't change what happened but we can get over it."
I whispered and he held me tighter.

"I understand if you don't want me sleeping in here-"
"No. I need you too stay with me."
I interuppted him and he nodded then pecked my forehead again.

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