Crimson Shine- Ch. 2

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DISCLAIMER: This story covers the events of RWBY Volume 3. There will be spoilers and there will be feels.

"Good luck guys!" Nora shouted

"I'm sorry that we had to fight so soon." Pyrrha said

"If you're really sorry Pyrrha," You said with a smile as you and Nick finished changing your Dust, "you'll skip the humble act and don't hold anything back."

"As you wish." She said with a nod

"Let's give these people a taste of what we can really do." You said to Nick

"Three, two, one, begin!" Port called as the air horn sounded

Immediately, Nick charged up a rifle shot and fired in front of the girls as a wall of stone quickly grew as he charged a cyclone shot at his feet to launch himself onto one of the platforms in the Cyber section while Nora smashed the wall.

"When did Nick get Earth Dust?"

"You thought we were going to use Lightning Dust against you Nora? We have a few surprises for you two." You said as Tooth & Nail shifted into Fusion Mode as your Semblance kicked in, your hair spiking up and your (e/c) eyes turning your Inner Beast's yellow

"Looks like (y/n) isn't wasting any time folks." Professor Port said from the announcer's stand as your arms were coated in earth, but the earth didn't stop there. Your entire body became encased in a suit of rock armor

"Say hello to Fusion Mode, Armor Stance," You said as the Dust node that normally holds your Lightning Dust glowed purple as you started floating, "complete with Gravity Boost."

Nora tried charging ahead but you boosted up into the air as streaks of fire came from the Cyber section. Nick had you in his sights as his Fire shots added to your Earth armor while you climbed in the air before you started your descent.

"METEOR CRASH!" You yelled as you made contact with Nora's hammer as she tried to block you

Pushing you away, Nora rushed forward with Pyrrha not far behind. Their swings definitely had power behind them as your armor started to come off in chunks despite Nick providing cover fire. Nora managed to take off the largest pieces of your armor as Pyrrha used her shield for blunt force and pushed you away.

"WALL!" You called out as another Earth shot came from the Cyber section, this time right next to you

Shifting to Control Mode, you punched the wall and it started cracking. Eventually, the wall shattered and in its place was an earth copy of you in the exact same pose as Nick came down from the Cyber section with Ebb & Flow in katana form.

"Control Mode, Clone Stance." You said as the three of you went on the offensive

Nick took on Nora as he tried to stay out of the way of her hammer while you and your clone kept Pyrrha occupied. The stone doppelganger mimicked your every move so while you attacked her on the left, she had to defend against you and your copy coming from the right. The ringing coming from your weapons almost drowned out the cheering from the audience as you looked over and saw Nick take a stab at Nora but he overcommitted to the motion and Nora read the opportunity like an open book, and from the look on his face he saw the error too.

"Aw, crap." He said as Magnhild met Nick's gut, causing him to go flying through the air and over the Swamp biome as a horn sounded

At this same moment, Pyrrha jabbed your clone with the rifle end of Miló and fired a burst of Fire shots, sweeping your legs as your clone disintegrated.

"Alright," You said as Pyrrha regrouped with Nora, "Time to bring out the big guns."

"Nicholas Frost has been eliminated. How will (y/n) adjust to this 2-v-1?" You heard as you jumped over to the Desert sector as Tooth & Nail switched back to Fusion Mode, you also noticed that your Aura was getting lower the longer you kept up your Semblance so you had to make this quick.

Crimson Shine (Pyrrha Nikos x MaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now