The Runaway

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    Woah! I didn't know Adela would ebe able to stand up to my father! Oh how Adela sure can surprise me. I wish to be free, to scream. To be fully alive. Except I am already dead, so I will have to leave the quest to become alive up to Adela now. She made her first move, now I should go catch up with her outside. I wish I could read her mind. Gah being dead has no cool perks. I mean yes I can spy on people without them knowing or suspecting a thing. But still. Wait ummm why is my dad sad? My dad can't be....SAD! But what if he might actually feel bad, wait, no, no, no he can't feel nad. That's not in his nature and well it never will be! In spite of that, he looks like a lost puppy waiting for his owners to beg him to come home, and to give him presents because they missed him. His puppy dog eyes drooping in, and that bottom lip quivering ever so vaguely in the shadows of his face. I almost feel sort of quilty. No, no, no Lyra! You can't feel any twinge of sadness or regeret for this man. He murdered you for goodness sakes!!!  I am becoming crazy. Whatever I need to go find Adela. I disappeared onto the outside grounds around the house searching in the distance to find her running, for what it looked like her life. Her little body trembling, and her face withholding a look of temporary regret, and a deep glare of unwaivering determination. She kept at it for awhile, until she crouched behind a nearby thorn bush. A thorn bush I had some bad memories I with. Lets just say that bush has given my some nasty scars, and I don't like that bush at all. But Adela she just sat there crying...

   "I can do this. I have to do this. For her. All for Lyra. She needs me to do this. If I don't, her death was for nothing. If I fail to carry out her hopes for me, what was the point of her enduring all that pain? I must keep on running, must keep moving, and keep a low profile until I find my place. The place I can call mine. The place I can be fully and entirely alive. It will be everything we imagined together. Like the paradise Lyra would tell me about every single night. The ones we would hope ourselves to wake up in every morning. The paradise I thought up inside my head while she sang "Dream," to me while I drifted slowly but surely off into a deep slumber," Adela murmured in a singsong voice aloud. 

   Next  thing I know I see her slender hand wipe away each and every tear, as she bounces out from behind the thorns and takes off sprinting in the opposite direction of our childhood prison, not turning back one more time. Each foot pounded the ground with an intensity I have never associated with my little sister. I stared at each shoe with my eyes boggled out, expecting the ground to give out beneath her because her steps were too overpowering and no one could hold her up. I think Adela has been running for like 2 hours straight. Like wow! I don't think I was ever in good enough shape to run for 2 hours straight. But maybe if I were on an adrenaline rush and basically running for my lilfe like Adela, then ya I could run for 2 hours straight no problem. As, I kept replaying in my head how she bounded out of that prison of a house faster then I could even recollect my thoughts on what I just heard, I noticed the pounding steps had stopped. She sat on the side walk, her head between her legs, and her hands holding her from just sprawling out on the side walk right there and then. She looked around. It seems she had run away all the way to the city. We had grown up in the suburbs in some sketchy city in Flordia. Every which way I turned I saw factories, with smoke strumming into the air. It looked like a place no one wanted to live in, the place responsible for oil spills in the ocean, and polluted air. It reminded me of this city I had once read about, they were being sued for the injury of animals close their factories. What the name again? Hmmm oh ya it was in California. It was called Carson. When I was reading about it I tried to picture it, and let me tell you what I saw now looked so much worse then what I pictured in my head. And those fumes, they clogged up my throat, I didn't even want to know how Adela felt. I can't die again, therefore things don't bother me as much nor hurt me as much as when I was living, so these fumes must have made Adela felt like a burning sensation in her body threatening to tear her apart inside out like a bomb boiling to it's breaking point. I'm guessing as then heard the thump of her little body hitting the sidewalk that her flick of adrenaline was no longer in the stream of her energy system and that she was now ready to rest. It meant she felt safe from the one person haunting her since she was born, and was now able to sleep in a random area, believing that no one could be worse than what she grew up with forever... So, I will sit and watch her sleep. Those long butterfly lashes of hers fluttering ever so slightly, and the little movements she makes as if someone tickled her and she refused to laugh. I stared at my kid sister and imagined her fully alive in the paradise she deserves, and lost myself in my thoughts of such a place... 

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