Silver Banshee

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Blue jay/Luna Lances pov

Right now I'm in the Arrow cave digging up everything I can to figure out who exactly silver Banshee is

Figure out if she has any weaknesses because I need to somehow exploit her for murdering my father

"Hey kiddo its 3 Am what are you still doing up?" Oliver says walking down in a white tank-top, grey sweats and a green robe holding two mugs

"Some research. What do you have in your hand there?" I ask smirking

"One black coffee two lumps for me and a caramel latte with two shots of espresso for you" he says smiling at me

I carefully grab the mug

"Thanks Ollie." I say

"You know when you asked Dinah if you could spend the night over here I thought it was just to have movie night, what is all this?" He says

I sip my latte

"Everything I could find on Silver Banshee" I say

"Well what have you found?" He asks

"Name, Siobhan (sha-von)
McDougal, height 6 feet, only known hair and eye color is white, weighing 135 lbs, place of birth Ireland, known relatives bevan mcDougal, brother, Seamus McDougal, uncle, base of operations is somewhere surrounding metropolis, powers include the Banshees curse, which means that when she was young she killed people, Incredible sonic power and a haunting hatred, accelerated healing, flight, superhuman strength, and sound immunity" i say

"Holy cow! How long have you been digging this stuff up?" Oliver asks

"since my blood came back positive" I said bluntly

"Any weaknesses?" Ollie asks hopefully

"that's what I'm trying to figure out but I can't seem to find it, only thing I can easily assume is that maybe she needs the same covers to block her sonics as I do" I say

"Well you can figure the rest of this out another day go to bed, you have school tomorrow or should I say in 4 hours" he says

"Fine fine I'm going but I'm gonna have a hard time sleeping since someone decided it was a good idea to give me a latte with two shots of espresso at 3AM" I say

"Your sister is gonna kill me" he says pinching the bridge of his nose

I laugh and go into the room that I sleep in at ollies mansion and fall fast asleep

Next day


"Stupid alarm." I mumble in my pillow I instantly press snooze

I hear the door open and shut

Then a loud horn goes off

I freak out which makes my sonics shoot into a mirror that was in the room

I groan in annoyance

"Not again!" I say as I glare at Ollie who is now laughing hysterically

"You know that mirror could've been you" i say crossing my arms

He pulls out his ear plugs

"why do you think I use these high intensity ear plugs, I can still hear I just can't feel the pain of your screaming" he says smirking

"Is that how you protect yourself when Dinah is upset with you" I tease

"you should know better than anyone else I'm going to be needing a little more than earplugs to protect me from your sister" Oliver says

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