Father bear! I know we don't see each other much but don't you forget that you are the most amazing dad I could ask for. You make me feel like a princess. I know you have a lot of kids, and it can be hard juggling us all and let's be honest we are the easiest kids to juggle since half the time we aren't even in the same place.
But never the less we all love you so dearly, your our blood flesh. Our soldier! I couldn't imagine growing up without you, I 100% know I would not have grown up to be the person I am if it weren't for you.
All the sports you have taught us the play. All the Christmas concerts you would come and cheer us on at. I'm pretty sure you were the one I could always here cheering over all the other parents. All the Christmas and birthday presents where each year you would try top the last present.
I love you from the bottom of my heart. Never stop being you. Also never stop calling me by my nickname. #Daddyslittleangel #Daddysprincess
Love you father bear! So so so much! I hope I carry on being you favourite (but don't worry I won't tell the others it's our lil secret)
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