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When Larry shippers hate on Eleanor it's just wrong. I thought I would say something just because it's not fair for one person to get so much uncontrollable hate when they have done nothing wrong.

So what is they are speaking again doesn't mean they are together again and so what if they are?

Does Louis not deserve to be happy because everyone has views on who he should be with. I don't think people realise how much of a strain this whole situation puts on our family.

Larry shippers take it too far sometimes. I'm not saying it about every Larry shipper some are fine but it's the ones who comment on every picture 'Larry is real' and that stuff. Then to go to Eleanor and give her abuse and death threats.

Disgusting I know the boys wouldn't be proud of those directioners. It really needs to stop. You all see what the camera sees and tells you. That's a second for a picture to be taken, you don't know their life or what they are feeling and who they love. So stop assuming you do just because you know some details about their life.

I love directioners I really do but it's just some Larry shippers that just cross the line. It makes all directioners look bad when you really aren't.

Rant over.


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