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To be honest I love and miss this girl!
She taught me a lot and I grew up with her in my life for quite some time.
Whether people want to say the relationship was fake or not. I know who she is and who she was to Lou and the family.

El is such a sweet, funny, down to earth girl and I'm so glad I got to know her. Every time I see her it's like we saw each other yesterday. That's something that time won't change.

She made Louis very happy too. I know she did, he would never not have a smile on his face. And he would never shut up about her.

Though I know that is all in the past now but damn I miss that goof ball. Kinda wish they were back together. But don't go all crazy on me, that just my opinion they were good together and she's my favourite out of all his girlfriends.

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Had to post that one

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Had to post that one. Had it on my phone ever since someone tagged me in it. How cute is el in that!

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