Chapter 1 New and Improved

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Hey guys! Even if you have already read this I would suggest rereading it. Thank you!

I hadn't set foot on the grounds of Hogwarts since the end of my 4th year when my dad escaped from Azkaban. I wasn't a nervous person but going back kind of scared the shit out of me.

Let me just explain what's been going on. My dad, Sirius Black, was sentenced to life at Azkaban for betraying the Potters and killing Peter Pettigrew (Who's literally a rat so fuck him). My whole life I believed my dad was a psycho murderer. I grew up with Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody, a tough, amazing Auror who taught me to not take any shit from anyone. When my dad escaped Azkaban, we were worried he would come after me as well as Harry Potter. Mad Eye decided not to send me back my 5th year, Harrys 3rd year, for my safety. I wasn't allowed to communicate with any of my friends or explain to them why I was gone. I may have the same last name as my father but no one had made the connection of me being his daughter considering I was a Gryffindor and most of his family were Slytherines (besides him, must take after my father eh). Finding out my father was innocent was fucking awesome because now I can have the relationship with the man who missed out on my whole life.

I can handle my new relationship with my dad... but I don't think I can handle how pissed the Weasley twins will be with me.


Hogwarts Express is by far one of my favorite things about going back to school. I loved being able to catch up with my friends and see who got hot over the summer. This time it was different. Fred and George didn't know I was coming back so I didn't know what it would be like to see them again. Would they ignore me because they were pissed or act like nothing ever happened?

I walked past a few compartments before I finally opened one. When I did I wasn't surprised to see Hogwarts most famous trio. Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Sierra!", Harry exclaimed when I opened the door, "Glad to see you decided to come back!". Ever since we found out my father was innocent Harry and I had developed a sibling relationship. We both never had our fathers and now Sirius could be one to both of us.

"Hiya Harry. Out of all the compartments of course I walk into yours!", I said.

"Mads, where were you? We haven't seen you in a year!", Ron asked me confused. I asked Harry not to tell Ron because I needed to tell the twins myself.

Before I could explain, Hermione answered for me. "Oh really Ron! Are you that daft? Sirius black escaped from Azkaban last year and Sierra BLACK happened to not come back to Hogwarts that same time. Make the connection!"

"Oh... Well I'm not sure Fred and George made that connection Mads", Ron said hesitantly. "You know the sent you letters for months?"

"I know... I wasn't allowed to answer them and I didn't know how to explain myself. I never told them about my father and I thought he was guilty until recently! I just didn't know how to tell them", I admitted.

We all sat there for a few moments obviously thinking about what I did to the twins. They were my best friends and too just up and disappear like that was real shitty of me. It was such a bad situation and I avoided having to deal with it.

"Anyways! Who do you think the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will be Mads?", Hermione asked. Bless her soul for changing the topic.

"Oh easy! Its Mad Eye. Left to get all the loose strings tied up about a month ago. We haven't talked much since then. Miss him terribly", I said.

All three of them looked at me with worried expressions.

"what?", I questioned.

"Well Mads...You know what happens to all of them. Quill was a He-Who-Must-not-Be-Named weirdo. Lockhart lost his memory, and Lupin was a werewolf who tried to attack all of us because of the full moon.", Ron babbled.

"Nothing is going to happen to Alastor Moody, Ron. He is the best Auror the ministry has seen and can take care of whatever comes his way, if anything even happens this year! Even the Dark Lord takes a break every occasionally", I joked.

My little speech was suddenly interrupted by 2 voices I was having anxiety over hearing again.

"Ohh. Ronnikins where are you?", Fred and George chorused while opening the compartment door.

As soon as the door opened the smiles on their faces dropped and turned to anger when they saw me sitting there. Before I could even open my mouth to say hi, Fred slammed the door shut and the two of them walked away.

"Well fuck", I said before getting up and running after them.


"Fred! George! Stop will you!", I said while chasing them down the train. "Will you guys just stop walking away from me? Let's drop the dramatics and talk like adults eh?."

Fred swung around and glared at me. "Act like adults huh? Do adults just not come back to Hogwarts without telling their friends? Do they avoid all their letters and go a year without speaking to them? No, they don't Sierra. Don't fucking act like you give a shit when you just dropped off the face of the earth," Fred yelled before storming off. Again.

If this boy is going to think he can talk to me like that he has another thing coming.

"Fred fucking Weasley get back here right now. First things first. Don't ever talk to me like that again, Who the fuck do you think you're doing yelling at me on the train where everyone can fucking hear? Did you ever stop and think that maybe your best friend with the last name Black left the same year that Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban? It's not just some fucking coincidence! I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was going on but I couldn't! I'm back now and I missed you two like hell so can we not fight?", I yelled.

"Oh man. We're idiots for not realizing that Mads! I wish you told us but I get it! I missed you too. 5th year wasn't the same without you!", George said pulling me into a hug. "C'mon let's find a compartment and catch up!"

George and I started to walk the train looking for an empty compartment while Fred followed behind. He was still mad at me but I could tell I'd be forgiven as soon as we got to Hogwarts. When we finally found an empty one George and I sat next to each other while Fred sat on the other side by himself sulking. When it came to me Fred could be such a baby.

I noticed that he had grown a lot since I last saw him. He had always been tall but he just seemed much older now. He grew out his bright red hair, which was so different from when I last saw him. I always considered Fred the handsomer of the two. Which is funny because they are identical twins. Something just always seemed different about them to me.

"Checking me out Sierra?", Fred asked in a cocky tone.

"Of course not! It's you who checks me out. Remember?", I said while winking at him.

I laughed while his ears turned red from embarrassment. On the last day of our 4th year he kissed me. That's probably one of the reasons he's so angry I left. Fred used to like me but I have never liked him. He's my best friend and that's not going to change. But that doesn't mean I won't tease him about it endlessly.

"and Cedrics right", he asked in a pissed tone.

Here's the thing. Cedric and I used to date. We did love each other but we broke it off around the end of 4th year because we were so different. He so calm and understanding and I'm too hot headed and wild. Were still on good terms. Well we were before I left.

"Yeah Fred. It is", I said with a face of stone. I'm not sure how I feel about Cedric anymore but I think I still love him. Fred knows that so for him to bring it up when he knows it's something that upsets me is not okay.

The tension in the room was awkward and got even worse when there was a knock on the door.

"Speak of the devil", George mumbled. It was Cedric.

"uh... hey Mads. I heard a girl yelling in the train and knew it was you. Do you think we could talk", Cedric asked.

Canmy life get any more complicated?    

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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