Chapter Twelve (VI)

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Harry looked up at the winch dubiously, then back down at his friends who were holding open the door to the basket for him to step into. "Come on," said Bobby. "It's perfectly safe."

Just as Harry had been worrying that his friends were going to get into trouble for being late into work, one of the administration fairies had floated down to say that Father Christmas had heard of Harry's dilemma, and given them all permission to take the day off. "What's more important than true love, after all?" the fairy had asked sagely.

Harry had muttered again that no one had said anything about true love, and that this love of his might not even exist. But he hadn't wanted his friends to get into trouble, and absolutely no one in Christmas Land turned down the opportunity of a snow day.

The owl had led the three elves through town, with a small procession of interested bystanders of all shapes and sizes flitting excitedly along with them. Apparently, someone travelling to a different land was a big deal – after all, Harry couldn't ever remember anyone else doing it. He'd always felt Christmas Land was the best of all the holidays, so why bother to investigate the others?

But now he was stood in front of a cherry picker with a wicker basket dangling from its extending arm, and Harry wasn't so sure what he was getting into. "Explain to me again how this works?"

The wise old owl didn't seem put out by his hesitance though, merely giving him a patient, beaky smile. "You need to go down into the next level of holidays, so naturally, you need to start at the top of the chimney."

"Any chimney?"

She shook her head. "No, the town hall is special."

"It has the biggest Christmas tree," said Joe proudly, and the gaggle of people around the basket nodded in agreement.

"Santa's sleigh would take him up to the Land of the Living," explained the owl. "But you want to go down. Going down to a lesser holiday is the only way to go through the barriers and get up to another major holiday. Does that make sense?"

Harry wasn't sure it did. "So, there are levels?" he asked, and was met by several nods again. Why didn't he know that? He hadn't known that nightmares were unheard of either. He was feeling so out of step with everything today, it was unnerving.

"There are four levels," the owl explained. "But hopefully you'll be able to find Bones in Halloween Land, and whilst there unravel the meaning of your nightmare."

Even just saying the word out loud made the others shiver, and it wasn't thanks to the dusting of snow gently falling from the sky. Harry was seriously worrying that there was something wrong with him to have had such a bad dream, but hopefully the people of Halloween Land would be able to help him. He'd only heard bits and pieces about the other lands, and he had to say he was a little apprehensive. Out of all the places he needed to go, why did it have to be that one?

"Will they be willing to help me when I get to Halloween Land?" he asked nervously, but the old owl gave a kind coo.

"They look far more fierce than they are," she assured him, but there were several grumbles from the crowd to maybe suggest otherwise. Harry swallowed nervously.

"Where will I go first?" There were a lot of lesser holidays, that much he did know, but he wasn't sure how many were on the second tier. How many possibilities would there be?

"The portal will know where to take you," said the owl. "And in any case, you can reach the major holiday lands from any of the second level ones, you just have to concentrate hard enough."

"Here," said Joe, drawing his attention as he thrust a bindle into his hands. "I packed you lunch." Harry frowned, unsure when he'd had time to run off and do that, but he was distracted as soon as he peeked inside the knotted handkerchief on the end of the stick.

"Oh!" he said in delight.

Joe looked bashful, his cheeks going pink. "I packed all the essentials," he said proudly. "Lollypops, brandy snaps, mince pies-"

"Sugar mice, mint humbugs, candy canes-" Bobby chimed in.

"Caramels, cookies, and a bottle of milk for when you get thirsty!"

"And mulled wine to celebrate when you find your love," Bobby finished with a beaming smile.

Joe leaned in so he could whisper. "Bobby made me pack some tangerines, because they're 'good for you'." Harry smirked at the use of air quotes. "But don't worry, I put them right at the bottom."

The support of his friends was heart-warming, but Harry was still feeling so nervous. "What if I don't find him?" he asked, his voice small. "There are so many lands out there, what if I can't find the dog Bones, what if I get lost?"

Joe bit his lip and looked at Bobby, who then turned and looked at the old owl perched on the edge of the basket. However, their answer came from the sky.

"Don't worry," a robin chirped that Harry recognised from when he'd been signing in the forest. He spiralled down through the air to land on Harry's shoulder. "We've got a plan!"

Within moments, several dozen more red breasted robins descended from the air, landing on shoulders and heads and fences and shop signs. Harry stared opened mouthed, amazed by all the birds who were apparently willing to help him. "Wow," he said, turning on the spot to take them all in. "Hello everyone!"

"Hello!" they chorused back.  

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