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It's been one week since we moved here to Featherstone Chapel. It was a small quiet town in England that I never even knew existed, even this being my first time in England. It was a small unknown town that didn't have much too it, besides the huge endless forest. We had recently moved over here from America due to my parents job. They are both writers and we tend to travel and move a lot. They say we need to move around often because they believe it will improve their writing by being in different places. They have also told me many more reasons why we must have to move so often but I don't really care. I just hope this is the last time that I ever have to move with them. I'm 17 and in my last year of school so when I'm finally done with that I can go college and actually stay settled for a time in my life. Not that I didn't like moving around and seeing new places, I loved it honestly, but I've always wanted to have a normal life and stay settled in a town for once in my life.

We bought a house in a small neighborhood close to town and my school. But it was also close to a forest. I've always been a curious person, I wanted to go into the depths of the dark woods ever since we moved here. Our neighborhood is close by and at the same time far away. Although my wonderlust desire to go and discover what lays beyond the depths I knew my mother and father would never even allow it to happen. It was just another high hope that was turned into a disappointment.

I walked along the sidewalk with my head hung low and my hands holding the straps of my backpack that was resting on my back. The cold breeze blowing ever so softly every now and again against my body as I walk toward the school. I didn't know what to expect to happen today, first day in a new school. Even though I find my self in this situation very often I never got used to the feeling of being the 'new girl'. The closer I walked toward to school that more anxious I got. I was already given my timetable for my classes and I already knew where all my classes where, that's to the guide I had gotten last week. It was a small school anyway so I didn't have to worry about getting lost like I did back in Freshman year when we lived in Australia. I think that was favorite year in school too. I had never seen a school so big, but that year I met two amazing friends I'll never forget. Luke and Calum. They where both little weirdos but I loved them. I just hope that this year I can make friends easily, but we all know when every there's a new kid everybody flips. They act like its a new species they've never seen before so it's not hard to get some attention. And being in a small town, word travels around fast.

Before I know it I stand directly in front of the Featherstone Chapel high school doors. I open the doors to be met by crowed hallways of teenage students I would later learn to know. This being a small school in a small town I'm sure that everybody pretty much knows everybody. I walk through the crowded hallways trying to make my way to my first period of the day, French. This would be my 3rd year taking French. I wasn't bad at speaking the language but I want that good either, but hey it's a college credit. I look around trying to find room 58, I turn down a familiar hallway that I walked last week and make my way into the class without to much of a hassle. I take a seat next to a red head girl with big blue eyes. She sends me a smile which I politely reply back. I'm glad I wasn't the first person in the class, let's face it isn't that always awkward. But I'm happy that I wasn't the last either, I remember when I was in year 8 when we lived in New York I was nearly late to class everyday. I chuckle at the thought of the memory. I would get so many tardy slips that would give me detentions every time I was late more that twice a week. But either way I was still late.

"What are you laughing at?" The red head girl next to me giggles in a questioning tone. Her small face holds a curious tone.

"Oh, just some memory of when I was back in middle school." I say still slightly laughing about it.

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