Chapter Eleven

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It's been three days since we found out that Steph had her powers. Gretchen has been unsociable since then and we've just let it go. We've decided to travel the way the tip of the ship was pointing, because we knew that would mean land, hopefully. Since the truck ran on fuel, we used it all up, so we had to start walking. Steph is in the lead, then followed by Trech, then Lizre and Gretchen and at the end was me. We kept walking constantly, day and night. We would each sleep about one hour and then continue to walk. With no food and barely any water left though, we were struggling for survival.

Lizre stopped walking until I caught up with her and then put her mouth up to my ear.

"Go talk to Gretchen," she whispered. I turn to look at Lizre and she nods. I then start to jog to Gretchen. She looked dead inside, because of the dark bags under her eyes from being sleep deprived.

"Hey," I said to her in a casual tonne. She turned her head and looked at me.

"Hi," she responded in a dead toned voice. I don't know what else to say, so I look back to Lizre. All she does is nod. I turn back to Gretchen and she had her head back down at her feet.

"Gretchen, I'm sorry for what happened with you and your parents," I said sympathetically. She nodded and turned her head back to look at me.

"Thank you Jordy, but there's nothing you can do about it now. It's done and over with. Our lives inside the City are now nothing because we're out here. So I have to move on, and so do the rest of you," Gretchen preached. I then stopped walking. Gretchen then turned bck to look at me. "Jordy?"

That caused everybody else to turn around. They were all looking at me weirdly. I just figured it out!

"Guys, we need to forget our City selves," I blurted out.

"What do you mean?" Steph asked me. All of them then took a couple steps closer to me.

"If we find civilization, we can't tell them that we're fugitives. We have to forget what happened to us there and tell them what's happened to us here in the Wastelands. Do you guys understand?" I told them. They all nodded. That gave them something to think about as we walked. We continued walking until we saw the sun set. Then we sat down to take our hour nap. But we quickly set a fire before hand.

Gretchen and Trech were the ones next to me. Trech was already out by the time he put his back against the ground. Gretchen and I looked at each other eye to eye. She was on the brink of falling asleep, but I was far from it. I was more awake than anybody else. I decided to stand up and watch over them. I did have a gun, so I would be the most useful to stay awake, even though it's only a pistol, but the rest do have swords.

Just as I stood up I heard a weird cawing noise. I looked up and saw a bird flying over us. But it wasn't just a normal bird. It was a bird that pecked at humans, whether they're dead or alive. I quietly walked over to Steph, trying not to make any noise. I get over to her and tap her shoulder, trying to quietly wake her up, but she was sound asleep. The bird cawed again.

I looked up at it and it seemed closer than it was before. I then quickly but quietly go to Lizre. I am stepping pretty stealthily, but then I step on a stick and it cracks. I look up to the bird and it looks down at me. Uh-oh. It caws louder than before and shoots itself down at me. I start to shoot at it,but the bird is nonchalantly dodging all of the bullets. I turn to look at the others, but none of them have woken up yet. 

The bird shot out its claws and swung them right for me and I just barely made it out from the claws. I then started to scream in my head. STEPH WAKE UP!!!! I knew she would hear, because she can also read people's minds when she's asleep. I then looked over and saw her shooting out of her sleep. She grabbed her sword, knowing there was trouble.

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