Chapter 4

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Luke's POV:
"Piper Kingston. Would you like to explain why you're late?" Mr Fergenson asked the girl standing in the door way.
" Well you see Mr Fergenson." She said starting to walk to her seat, " it's not everyday that a guy dumps coffee on you," she fleetingly glanced at me, "and then proceeds to blame you for it and not apologize." She added, her emerald eyes blazing at me.
" Well make sure that the guy apologizes okay? And now take your seat Piper"

Piper. So that was her name. The name fit her. I can't explain how I never noticed her. I mean she looked great. Her brown/ gold hair pulled up in a messy bun and practically no make up on. She looked different than most girls I knew. She looked like she didn't make as much of an effort for her appearance .

God! What was I doing? I didn't even know her which meant that she probably did nothing that was fun, so why should I be interested? I was probably just bored. My head ached because of my hangover and I felt like I had to throw up.

"Mr Fergenson. I really gotta go"I said as I rushed out the door. The fresh air outside made me instantly feel better but I decided to stay a little longer. I didn't feel like going to math so I lit a cigarette and sat on the steps of the school. The smoke filled my lungs and for the first time today I felt awake.

"Luke! It's Luke right? Anyway whatever. Mr. Fergenson sent me to look for you so get up!"
I whirled around only to see the girl from earlier. I think her name was Piper.
"So what? I don't feel like doing math," I said putting the cigarette to my mouth again .
"Fine by me you're the one failing. What should I tell him? You're outside smoking or you 'just don't feel like doing math'" she retorted sarcastically making quotation marks in the air for the last part.

God she was annoying. Cute yes but annoying.
I scowled and then followed her to class.

Just as we were heading back Mr. Ellis, the principal, stopped us.

"Mr. Jackson. What is that in your hand?" he inquired pointing at the cigarette between my fingers.
Dammit! I forgot to leave it outside. God this was gonna end bad!

Pipers P.O.V
He forgot he had his cigarette?! Really?! How stupid was he?? Cute yes but stupid, dumb, and a moron. Seriously?

"Both of you in my office!"
"Wait sir!" I stammered, "Why do I have to go? It was his stupid cigarette!"
"True Miss Kingston," he gave me a judging look then went on, " but you were out there with him, who knows what you could have done"

He couldn't be serious! Could he?!? I scowled under my breath and then followed a grinning Luke to Mr Ellis' office.

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