Chapter 5

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Piper POV
Detention! Really?! For a month?! This was a horrible, no horrendous thought. Luke walked next to me, grinning from ear to ear.

" Could you stop that" I asked him furiously.
"Stop what" he looked at me innocently.
"That annoying thing you do"
"What? This?" he grinned even wider mockingly and laughed. God this boy was annoying.
When we got back, class was already over.

I walked over to Ivy and grabbed my backpack.
"Where were you? You missed the whole lesson!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.
"Well funny story actually," I started sarcastically. By the time I had finished telling her what had happened she was wide eyed.
"Detention?? I mean detention by itself is bad enough but with JACKSON???" She looked at me sympathetically as we entered the Cafeteria.

I looked around and saw an empty table where I proceeded to drag Ivy to. We sat down and began to eat when suddenly I heard an all to familiar voice..

Surprise surprise *notice the sarcastic voice* Luke. He was grinning from ear to ear as he came towards me.

Well quite honestly he looks pretty hot. I mean look at those dimples and don't get me started on those abs

Oh shut up I told the voice in my head simultaneously thinking of a way to face my bigger problem here.

"What?" I asked him.
He was dressed pretty cool. Black jeans, and a white V-neck shirt, paired with messy brown hair and wild blue eyes made for a pleasant sight to the eyes.

"I just wanted to say that I don't really feel like showing up for detention so it would be great if you could just do my work too" he said, looking at me without a care in the world.

He could not be serious?! Could he ? How stupid did he think I was?!

I gave off a sarcastic laugh before I proceeded to speak. "So basically what you're saying is that while your off having fun with god knows who doing god knows what, you expect me to just stay here and do both of our assignments?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah," he nodded and looked me in the eye, "basically."

"Wow you can't be serious?" I gave off a short laugh and started to pack my stuff together, "well anyway," Ivy grabbed my hand and we started to walk," I will most definitely not be doing your work, you can do that yourself damm well!" With that statement I left him standing and together with Ivy proceeded to go to class .

As we finally got to class she slapped me on the shoulder.
"Good for you Pipes. You should do that more often" We both laughed and slumped in our seats. Great, now we had  physics. I grabbed a pencil, mentally preparing myself for 2 hours of pure boredom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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