Two losses

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Kwandisa was gone now. Kwandisa's nails had just grazed Turk's arm. I wrapped the bandage securely around her arm and stood up. The worse was yet to come. I could taste it in the air.

We needed to keep moving and maybe there was some possible way to avoid the battle I was going to have with Blackstar.

We darted through the abandoned jungle of buildings once again. The pyramid loomed ahead like a giant, intimidating and powerful. Our quartet continued to dash along the white stone streets. It made an almost rhythmical sound.



I jumped and shook my head. The exhaustion must have been getting to me. About twenty minutes later we had reached the great pyramid, its hundreds of stairs leading up to the top floor where my goal was.

The Crescent Key.

Was my journey really about to end? What if Blackstar just gives it up? No! He would never do that. I felt like I was only steps away from my target, but I could lose my life in the process. I set my foot on the first step and looked back at my crew trying to give them a brave smile although my knees were shaking fiercely.

"We can do this." I said.

I turned and ran up the stairs, my friends flanking me.

I swear I could have heard some sort of ghostly laughter echoing around inside my head.

I stopped to breathe. How could I stop? My target was only a shot distance away. I forced myself to keep running. Turk had run ahead of the others. She was swift and her turquoise hair billowed out behind her. 

Suddenly there was a crack and a scream, and Turk plunged down into the depths of the pyramid.

I ran up to the crack where she had fallen.

"Ow...Oww...Ow." I heard. Turk was still alive.

"Are you alright?" I shouted down to her. Stupid question.

"M-My leg....I think it's broken!" came the reply.

"Go on without me..." It continued.

"I..." I started.

"It's okay. I'll be fine." Turk said quietly.

"Good luck Estelle."

I turned to the rest of my team.

"She wants us to go on without her." I said softly.

White stepped forwards.

"I will stay here with her just in case anything happens." he announced patting one of his twin knives.

I dipped my head.

"Thank you. Take good care of her." I murmured.

He smiled. "You can trust me." he whispered and with that he placed a quick peck on my cheek and leaped down with Turk.

I turned to Beetlejuice but he was already running back up the steps.

I smiled slightly and followed him.

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