Chapter 56

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"I don't wannnnaaa gooo", Ava whined. I was taking her to her moms house.

"Stop whining. It's really irritating me."

"You're irritating me", she said crossing her arms.

"Well, what crawled up your ass and died?", I asked.

"Your dick."

I put my lips in a straight line and gripped the steering wheel tighter. "That's too far. I've never even gotten to that yet... But now that you mentioned it-"

"You're not sticking your dick up where I poop. That's nasty", she said shaking her head.

"We'll try it one day. Don't worry", I winked.

We pulled up to her moms house and I turned the car off. I took the keys out the ignition and stepped out. Ava remained in her seat. I went around the car, opened her door, and forced her out.

"I don't like you right now", she sighed and walked to the door.

I shrugged my shoulders, knowing she didn't mean it, and knocked. We stood there for a moment before a man answered the door.

"Who the fuck are you?", Ava asked. This pregnancy was making her too grumpy.

"Uh... Brenda! It's for you", the man called out. He was about my height with light brown skin and hazel eyes. His hair was dreaded and he had a white t-shirt on with some black jeans. He was good looking I guess.

"Hi. Im Chres", I said holding my hand out.

"Cameron", he said shaking my hand and smiling. He held his hand out to Ava and she just looked at it. I nudged her with my elbow and she sighed, shaking his hand.

"Oh. I think I remember you from before. You're my moms friend right?", Ava asked. He nodded. My mom came up from behind him.

"I see you've met Cameron", she smiled.

"Why is he here?", Ava asked.

"He's my boyfriend...", she said lowly knowing that Ava wasn't going to like it.

"Mom do you not remember what your last boyfriend did to me?"

Her mom moved from the entrance,"Come inside."

"Um I'd love to but I have to go take care of some things", I said. I gave Ava a kiss on the cheek,"Bye. I love you."

"I love you", she smiled. I made my way to the car then started it up, driving off.


I walked into the house and followed her and Cameron into the living room. We all sat down, my mom and Cameron on one couch and me on the other.

"So. I know what happened a while ago traumatized you but Cameron is nothing like that", she started.

"And how do you know that?", I asked. Cameron was just looking around and I could tell he had no idea what was going on. He was kinda cute though, Im not gonna lie.

"Because he's a childhood friend. I've known him basically my whole life."

I looked at him and he looked scared for a second. "If you try to touch me in any way, I swear I will cut your dick off. Okay?", I stated. My mom's mouth fell open.

"I-I would never think of doing that. I don't even know what's going on right now and Im really nervous", he stuttered.

"Her last boyfriend raped me, that's what happened", I said.

"Ava!", my mom gasped.

"No no no. It's okay. I promise I will not touch you in any inappropriate way. Im not a sick person like that. Besides, Im dating your mom and you have a boyfriend-"

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