Chapter 62

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"AHHHH", I yelled in pain. I've been trying to get this baby out for the longest time.

The doctor, whose name is Dr. Jacobs, stood in front of me encouraging me to push. Chres was on my side, holding my hand tightly telling me to breath. It was just all too overwhelming.

"Come on, Ava. Count to three and push", Dr. Jacobs said calmly.




I took a deep breath and did one big push while yelling. I was drenched in sweat and exhausted.

"The head! I see the head!", Dr. Jacobs yelled in excitement.

"You're almost done, babe. Just a few more pushes", Chres said before kissing me lightly on the cheek.




I pushed again, harder than last time. Again. Again. And again until finally the head was out.

"One more big push and he's out, Ava. Come on." This doctor was now annoying the fuck out of me. I wanted him to shut up.

I squeezed Chres' hand, hard, and gave another big push while groaning loudly. Suddenly all the pain stopped and my head fell back onto the pillow.

"You did it", Chres whispered in my ear.

I heard the faint gasps for air and then crying. I opened my eyes and lifted my head back up, looking at my son. MY son. It was like falling in love all over again.

Before I knew it, he was cleaned up and wrapped in a blue blanket.

"My baby", I cried. I didn't even realize I was crying until I started talking. I held my arms out as Dr. Jacobs walked over to me.

He put my baby in my arms and I looked down at him. He was beautiful. He had dark brown eyes, soft caramel skin, and curly hair.

"What are you naming him?", doctor asked.

I looked at Chres and smiled. He didn't even know what the babies name was because I never told him.

"We're naming him Cayson", I smiled looking down at him. Dr. Jacobs nodded and left the room. He said he'd be back with the birth certificate.

"Cayson", Chres said. He leaned down next to me, kissing Cayson on the forehead. His eyes slowly opened and he looked at us.

"Im your daddy and this is your mommy and we love you very much ", he smiled.

I couldn't even say anything. All I could do was admire him. He just looked up at us, slobbering a bit before he gave us a small smile.

I started crying yet again. "He smiled, Chres! Did you see that?!?!"

"Yes I did", Chres laughed. He sat on the chair next to the hospital bed, facing me. "After all this, I finally have my son. You don't even know how happy I am right now. I wonder if my parents would be happy for me.."

"Of course they would.. Wait", I paused. I pulled the front of the gown down and Cayson immediately started sucking. It was recommended that I breast fed him right now. It felt odd and it kind of hurt. "Like I was saying, they would be proud. Im even proud of you."

"Why?", he questioned.

"Because", I stopped and winced. This breast feeding stuff was going to take a lot of getting used to. "Because you have came such a long way and you're a better person from when I met you."

"After I forced you--"

"No. Shut up okay? If you didn't, then this wouldn't be happening. We wouldn't be getting married. Most importantly, Cayson would not be here", I explained.

How long was it going to take him to get over what happened over 3 years ago?

Cayson stopped drinking and let out a small yawn. Cutest thing ever. "Do you want to hold him?"

Chres shot up out of his chair with his hands out,"Yes!"

I giggled and put Cayson in Chres' arms. He sat back down and began rubbing the back of his head. Chres started talking to him but I didn't make an effort to hear what he was saying. I just wanted to go to sleep.

I watched the two loves of my life as I drifted off.


It was the crying that woke me up. At first, I thought I was still asleep until Chres called my name.

"Hmm...", I yawned.

"He won't stop crying. Can you take him?", he asked. Before I could answer, he put Cayson back in my arms.

"How long was I asleep?", I asked rocking Cay. Yes, I gave him a nickname already.

"You slept through the night. It's Monday", he paused looking at his watch,"12:43."

I gasped,"You were up with him all night??"

"Well.. Yeah. I did fall asleep but the doctor woke me up when he gave me the certificate."

"Okay." He handed it to me. "Please go to sleep. You look tired."

"Will do", he smiled closing his eyes and leaning his head against the wall.

I looked at the birth certificate.

Cayson Grant August. I see Chres gave him my middle name.

Weight is 7.5 pounds..

I looked down at Cayson and squeezed his cheek softly.

"You're my chunky baby", I smiled and laughed.

Time of birth is 10:21 am.

Monday. April 14, 2014.

"I love you, Cayson", I smiled looking down at him.

He grabbed at one of my fingers and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Pssbloopb", he mumbled while my finger was in his mouth.

"You love me too, I know", I laughed.


Cayson is here yaaaaaaaay!

I love him already and he's barely been in the story ;)

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