Stay away

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Jacob p.o.v.

"No, no, no Crystal you're not thinking clearly Crystal.." I grabbed her back looking into her eyes

"Jacob I believe this is what I have to do"she said.

"I'm giving him up for adoption" she said.

"Crystal this is my son too and I can't let you do this" I shook my head.

"You're mom agrees with me so why can't you" Crystal said with tears in her eyes looking over at my mom.

I turned around to see my mom nodding her head.

I turned back to Crystal.

"Sorry Jacob"  Crystal said before walking off.

I turned back to my mom.

I stepped close to her and looked at her with disgust.

"I fuckin hate you"  I looked her up and down before walking off.

"Jacob" my mom called me.

"Crystal!!" I called her knowing she hadn't left yet from Tyler crying.

"Crystal" I saw her trying to hurry up and put Tyler in his car seat.

"Crystal wait!" I saw her open the door and walk out.

She put him in the car and buckled him in.

"Crystal wait" I said once again.

"What Jacob? Why are you acting like you want to be with me and this baby?..." she asked flustered

"Crystal I'm not acting..." I started but she cut me off.

"I know you don't I know you..." she started but I stopped her but kissing her.

"now like I was saying I'm not acting Crystal I love you and Tyler that's why I'm trying to stop you from putting him up for adoption to mess this family up"

"Either way it goes the family will be broken" she folded her arm looking down.

"because of my mom? Crystal fuck her right now I don't care about her you and Tyler ,my new family is all I'm worried about now"I said hugging her.

She hugged back me.

"Now Crystal promise me you won't put Tyler up for adoption"

"I promise" She hugged tighter.

"But...I only if 1 thing" she said.

"What?" I asked.

"You have to stay away from us" She said.

"What?" I pulled away.

I looked at her confused.

Tears were in her eyes since again.

"I'm sorry but..." she started.

"Crystal if this is about my mother she...." I started.

"No it's not her I just need some space" She said.

I knew she was lying it was about my mom.

"That much space that I can't be in my sons life" I fought back tears.

"I'm sorry Jacob" She hugged me again.

"so this is goodbye ?" I questioned.

"i..I guess it is" Crystal slightly shrugged pulling away.

"I love you Crystal I really do" I said before I kissed her for the last time.

I kissed her with all the passion in my body.

I pulled away and she looked at me and kissed me again.

This time she kissed me with tongue.

We stood there making out for a couple minutes until Tyler began crying again.

We broke the kiss.

"Jacob I still love you with every ounce of my body but that's the problem"

"how is it a problem?"

"I love you too"

"Jacob just trust me it's nest for the both of us"

"Having to raise a kid alone and  having to just leave no be in my sons life or not being able to see the love of my life"

"Jacob you don't love me"

"Crystal you just don't know how much I love you" I said.

She got quiet.

I then went up to the car and sat on the edge of the seat playing with Tyler.

"Here you can have you're toy" I let him get it and he smiled showing his pure gums.

"Tyler be a good boy for me you're gonna be grow up to be  a big strong man alright you're gonna find a girl to settle down with don't do what I did lose the girl that means the world to me" I began tearing up.

"I love you make sure you take care of your mom for me" I kissed his forehead.

"Crystal I want you t have this" I said grabbing my wallet.

"Jacob I don't want your money" she refused it.

"Just take it, it's just a couple thousand  " I took all the money out of it.

"Then what money will you have" She asked.

"don't worry about me here" I sat it in her hand.

"I can't take that"She said.

"Crystal it's the least I can do" I said.

She took the money.

"Thank you" She said.

"No problem" I said.

I stepped back and watched as her drove off and disappeared out of my life.

This day is gonna eat me out for the rest of my life.

I just opened the door and just watched them walk right out of it.

And I'm gonna watch myself keep blaming my mother knowing it was my fault from the start.

I wish my life would just end already!

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