Meet the parents

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The next week...

Jacobs been staying over Lilly house with me to help take care of Tyler.

And everything has been going good.

"I wanna do something" Jacob said reaching for Tyler.

I handed him to Jacob.

And he laying him down since he was asleep.

"Get dressed were going somewhere" he said.

"okay"I said without hesitation.

I was so ready to ft out of that Damon house.

I went and took my shower and got dressed in Green thermal shirt long sleeve shirt with black jeans pants and black Sandals with my hair in as curly bun with big diamond earrings on.

I went into back into the room where Tyler had woken up and was crying.

"you woke you Tyler" I picked him up sitting him on my lap kissing his cheek.

Jacob came in the room dressed as well.

"Ready?" He asked.

"in a minute let me freshen Tyler us" I said.

I cleaned him off with baby wipes then put a fresh diaper on and clothes then layed him in his car seat.

"Ready" I looked back up at Jacob.

"good" he said grabbing the car seat taking it to the car.

"I want to drive my car" I said.

"okay just follow me then"He said.

"Okay" I sais and got in the car while he drove with Tyler.

I followed behind Jacob until he stopped at this house.

I never been here and didn't recognize the car in the drive way.

He got out with Tyler.

"Jacob who's house is this?" I asked getting up too.

"You'll see" I said.

We got in the house and he sat the car seat down.

I took Tyler out and Jacob grabbed my other hand and lead me to a room with this woman in she looked young.

"Hey mom" he let go of my hand and went up and kissed her cheek.

"Hey Jacob" She greeted back.

"Who's this and the little baby?" I walked over and gave her Tyler.

She smiled at Tyler.

"what's his name?" She asked me.

"Tyler" I said.

"He's cute" She smiled.

"Mom this is Crystal and this is our son Tyler" Jacob spoke.

"our.." His mom stood up passing the baby to me almost dropping him.

"You're a father" She said getting in his face.

"Yes"  he said nervously.

I saw it was getting serious so I took a couple steps back.

I saw her hand raise and smack the shit out of Jacob.

He turned his hand taking the smack.

You could hear the echo of that smack a mile away.

Tyler started crying.

"What the fuck were you thinking getting this BITCH PREGNANT?!!" she yelled over Tyler cries.

This woman doesn't even know me and she's calling me a bitch.

I tried to hold back my tears and not let it get to me but I cared to much of what people think about me and let it eat and pick at me.

I got Tyler to stop crying.

"This is gonna be with you for real now that you got this bitch pregnant"  She pointed at me.

Jacob looked at me.

He saw it hurted me.

I stepped back as my eyes watered and tears began to flow.

"Crystal!" he grabbed me as I was trying to run out.

"Its okay you don't how to deal with this bitch or this baby again...we both" I said.

"I'm giving the Tyler up for adoption"

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