The Persistence Of Memory

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So this will part solely be on the first story I read on Wattpad- The Persistence Of Memory by Scarlette Drake, which let me tell you is incredible, she's incredible. And if you haven't read it yet I'm hoping after this you will.

The Persistence of Memory of TPoM as it's known in twitter world is one of those compelling beautiful complicated stories that you can not get out of your head. It takes you on a complete rollercoaster ride that you never want to stop. The depth and emotion portrayed with the simple use of words is outstanding but simple is one thing this book is not. It takes you on a journey through the eyes of both of the main characters Eloise and Aiden the switching between each point of view is thrilling and leaves you craving more. With each update your drawn more into the bubble that these two have created and feel almost like your intruding on their privacy, but it's what makes this so appealing because let's face it most of us if not all are a little nosey 😝

This story does contain some extremely steamy scenes which will either make your pantys wet or in need of a seriously cold shower, this lady is a genius and let me tell you she can bloody write especially the HOT stuff you will not be disappointed....

And if one story isn't enough there is good news there is a follow up story The Accommodations of Desire which is equally as brilliant and will leave you addicted just purely addicted

The writing style is modern and unique and yep I'm going to say it utterly flawless in my opinion if you haven't read this you are missing out on love lust betrayal orgasms and full blown fangirling mode so my recommendation is to read it read it now stop what your doing and add The Persistence of Memory to your library and enjoy

K x

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