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(Chapter Eleven ayyye)

[Mike Wheeler
For @ToniMunroe]

Dustin's pov

"Soooooooo" I dragged out as I closed my locker, and faced my best friend Toni, who was still rummaging through hers looking for the homework that's due this period.

"Soooooooo, what?" She questioned, not meeting my eye contact. She pulled out a paper and sighed in relief.

"So, what about today?"

She sighed again, this time in frustration, "No Dustin. Not today. Not ever." She looked up, and her eyes begged me not to go on, but I remained on the topic as we began walking to chemistry.

"I'm telling you Toni, he likes you I'm sure of it. You know how awkward Mike gets around you."

I've known for quite a while that she liked him, she only confirmed it to me last week. I'm so sure that he likes her back, and I'd totally ask him if she hadn't made me swear not to talk to him about it.

She brushed a lock of hair around her ear and looked at her feet. "He gets awkward around everyone, have you met him?"

"Well yeah, but..." I said, as she cut me off.

"But nothing. Michael Wheeler doesn't like me, and that's that."

Lucas' pov

"Aren't you just the slightest bit intrigued that she's really happy when she's around you?" I asked Mike as we walked to Chemistry.

"What do you mean? She's always really happy. Have you met her?" He questioned.

"You know what I mean Mike"

"Apparently I don't, because Toni is as happy around me as she is around Troy, and I know for a fact she doesn't like him, she's just nice." He grumbled, he always gets in these moods when I try talking about them.

"You must be blind man, because that girl gets so giggly and is more easygoing when you're around." I stated, and its the flat truth. Mike told me so long ago that he likes Toni, and I mean, it's not hard to tell.

"Just shut up." He said, and I sighed as we walked into the class. Dustin, Will, and Toni were already here, and smiled at our entrance.

She looked up to me, then Mike as she sat up straight. "Hey Mike, hey Lucas." She smiled, and I returned it, saying a hello. Mike gave a small smile as he sat in the seat next to her.

There was a bit of awkward tension, that everyone could tell was there. Will was the first to enact on it.

"So did you guys do the homework?" He asked, and she turned away from us to face him. She waved a piece of paper, smiling widely as he took it from her.

"Thanks, I totally forgot. You're a lifesaver." He said, as he quickly scribbled the answers into his paper.

She scoffed, and slapped him lightly in the back of the head before laughing and turning back around.

"Its Friday!" She cheered "You got the games set up for tonight?" She asked directing it at Mike, who was daydreaming while staring at her.

I nudged him, and he jumped out of it. "Uh, uhm. Yeah, game night. Right, yeah it's ready. You're bringing snacks right Toni?"

They kept talking about the game night we planned for tonight, as I shook my head in disbelief. I turned to Dustin, who gave me the same look that was on my face.

"We need to fix them" I whispered.

"Fix them up is more like it" he replied and I stifled a laugh. My eyes then shot open when I had an idea.

"I have a plan"

Mike's pic

I sat on the couch in the basement, waiting for someone to show up. Soon enough Lucas showed up, being that he only lived next door. Then Dustin, then Will.

"What's taking her so looooooong?" Will whined from the couch. "You guys are boriing, I need someone to gossip with while you set up"

Then I heard the familiar clap of her shoes. I could tell it was her because she would always hop down the steps instead of walking normally. The guys always gave her a hard time about it, but I thought it was cute.

"Sorry I'm late guys, I forgot to turn the oven on, so I had to wait even longer on the pizzas. Oops" she giggled as she got down the last step.

She sat the pan down on the table, then slung a bag right next to it, which spilled bags of candy, chips, and sodas.

"Not a problem, at least you didn't burn the pizza" I said, picking up a slice, returning the smile I didn't notice she was giving me. God that smile was amazing.

"Okay so, first game is truth or dare"  Lucas stated, and I gave him a questioning look, which he brushed off. If he did something, no, he wouldn't.

Would he?

I sat in between Will and Toni in the small circle we formed. Lucas had two stacks of cards, one labeled "truth" and one labeled "dare". He explained how we would ask each other, then grab a card based on their answer.

"I'll go first" he said, then turned to Dustin. "Dustin, truth or dare?"

Our curly haired friend gave a devilish grin before answering dare, proving he wasn't a chicken. Lucas then drew a card from the dare like, and began reading.

"Do something nobody would expect you to do." It was Lucas' turn to show a smirk.

We all waited as Dustin thought about what he would do, and I looked to my right to see Toni waiting in excitement. She must've noticed me looking at her, because she turned her head to meet my eyes. She opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, when I felt a hand on the back of my head.

Before I knew what was happening, my head moved forward and my lips were touching something. I stared into her eyes which were a lot closer than before when I realized, I was kissing the girl I liked. And she was kissing back.

When Dustin's hands left our heads, we pulled away, and my eyes flickered from person to person.

Dustin acted as if nothing even happened, as he began talking. "Toni, truth or dare."

We must've both been shocked, because she stuttered her answer "d- I mean, truth."

"Do you like Mike?" He asked, and the room went silent.

I looked at the floor, I can't believe they were embarrassing me like this. I am gonna kill them, she's gonna hate me, and she'll never talk to me ag-

"Yes" my head shot up, and I was confused. She kept talking as she looked straight at me "Yes I like Mike"

"I-" I started. What? Was this actually life? WHAT? "I like you too"

I've never been happier.

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