Cheater Pt 1

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"Y/n with Hoseok."

"Hoseok," I looked around puzzled. "Who's Hoseok?" I said coldly.

"Over here." A hand waved in the air.

I followed the hand to its owner and my eyes bulged as I looked at Jung Hoseok. I hadn't know his name before the teacher said it, but I always saw him in the library when I actually took the time to study.

He was a good boy and I was reckless, and now I had to be his partner, this should be a lot of fun. Although I had to admit, he looked good. His hair fell perfectly as every dark brown wave caressed his features. He was art to say the least. A perfectly sculpted sculpture. From his jawline to his nose to the dimples placed on either side of his smile, hiding in the corners of his mouth. I proceeded to walk towards the boy and sat down.

"Hello, I am Jung Hoseok." He spoke first. I could practically feel his radiating smile as it warmed me like the sun.

As he held his hand out to me, I looked over to return the gesture and as I did that my breathing stopped as I saw the smile that could kill. He was absolutely adorable. The way his eyes sparkled as he revealed the galaxy of stars in his mouth was truly amazing. Seriously, how could I have not talked to him before?

"Hi, I'm y/n." He smiled as he looked down, a slight tint to his cheeks. That smile. His smile. We hadn't even had a full conversation yet, but he already had me hooked.

"So, what are we supposed to do again?" I never listened in class. I was never the kind to follow the rules either.

"Well, were supposed to study how plant cells contrast from animal cells and then make a powerpoint presentation." I slouched down in my chair because I hated powerpoint presentation. I never liked to present because of my anxiety. That fact that people just stared at me while I talked about something I couldnt care less about, made my stomach do somersaults.

"Damnit. Okay so wanna meet somewhere and head to my place. About.." I paused to think of a fair time to meet.  "8-ish, if thats good for you? We could eat at the pizzeria near the school, then head to my place to discuss the project. Cool?" The bell rang and I got up while gathering my stuff together. Hoseok shook his head yes in response to my question

"Yes, 8 will work well for me." He picked up his stuff, smiled at me and left the room. He was taller than I expected. I was basically at his shoulder. If I ever got to hug him, I'd have to stand on my tippy toes and he'd have to bend down. The very thought making me smile.

"Y/n, lets go." I heard a voice call and knew exactly who it was. Park Jimin.

Park Jimin, like Hoseok, was absolute art. However the 2s art styles contrasted deeply. Hoseok was sweet and adorable, while Jimin was a jerk. A hot jerk at that, but still a jerk.

Jimin and I had always had an on again off again relationship. I had always admired Park Jimin since the first day I met him. The first day of college. He had orange hair back then. I had been sat next to him for the whole year. He'd always kick me under the desk and pass notes to me saying things like Hey nerd, lemme borrow a pencil. He was such a child. Of course I gave him a pencil because it was him.

Then one day in the summer, we had both been invited to a pool party at Jeon Jungkook's house. Jimin had gotten me invited because he thought I was cute and Jungkook and him had been friends basically since birth. He always had the best parties with the coolest people at the University, so of course there was beer.

I had about 2 before my words connected and I couldn't walk in a straight line. I really didn't remember what happened after the 3-4 beer, but all I knew was that I woke up in my bed with 2 things. 1 being a massive headache and the other being a very nude Park Jimin sleeping next to me.

Things had changed between Jimin and I after that. He didn't kick me under the desk or pass notes with insults on them asking for something. He became slightly kinder. He started to wait for me after class and put his arm over my shoulder in the halls, but I never knew when we were in a relationship.

We would argue, he would make out with another girl, I would talk to another guy, he would go off saying that I wasn't being loyal to him, then somehow I'd wake up again next to the one and only Park Jimin. I could never deny Jimin and it hurt that he held my heart so easily, but still broke it every time I put it back in his hands. The only thing that had changed about Jimin since then was he went from orange hair to blonde, which suited him way better.

When we got to the lunchroom, Jimin went to his table and I went to mine. We never sat together at lunch because Jimin said he needed space away from me at times, and lunch was that time

"Wow. you got stuck with Hoseok, sorry." My friend said once we were heading towards the lunch line.

"What do you mean sorry? He's pretty chill." I got a tray, and began to dish out my food onto the tray.

"Yeah. I mean he knows how to solve for x. Damn y/n, what a keeper." All my friends laughed and agreed. I laughed a little bit but what they were saying was kinda pissing me off.

"Look, Hoseoks not like that. Maybe hes a nerd, but hes chill as hell to me." I laughed after the statement so they didnt think I was too angry. My friend held up her hands in joking defeat.

"Woah chill y/n, we were just joking." My other friend nudged me.

"Yeah, you just found out he existed like 2 seconds ago and you already got a thing for him." I rolled my eyes and smiled at my friends as I walked to my table. I couldn't help but look for Hoseok. Maybe I would ask him to eat lunch with us.

"Your boyfriend isn't here." I looked up to meet eyes with my best friend from earlier that pissed me off, Kristine.

"I wasn't looki-" Before I could finish she cut me off.

"He's usually in the library at lunch." I looked at her confused. As if she read my mind she replied with

"I saw him in there once when I was returning a book." I looked at her with a were you really returning a book type of face

"Okay, fine. I was simply giving back a book I may or may not have taken from one of my peers. No big deal." I smiled. Classic of her.

"Okay. Well while you come to terms that you stole someones book, I'm going to go talk to Hoseok." I picked up my tray and walked over to the trash.

"Hey, its not stealing if you give it back!" I smiled at her. Shes such a weirdo.

"By the way, hes not my boyfriend!" I shouted a little too loud back at her. My eyes grew and as if we could read each others mind, we looked simultaneously at a very confused Jimin arching an eyebrow at the both of us.

The End. (It's my first fanfiction. Sorry for any mistakes. Hope you liked it! Next part probably next week.)

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