Tugger and Cassandra

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Tailkinker sat wearily on the pillow that Jellylorum used as her “desk.” Along that ceramic wall, various herbs and roots dried on improvised racks. Part of her job as Healer was to sort through and keep inventory on the various plants needed to balance the Jellicle diet. The other part of her job, healing and treating patients, now sat on the other side of the bathtub’s interior. 

    Alcestis and her kitten, Celestine, were just about ready to go back to their “home” with Quaxo and Scatterburr. The only problem Tailkinker saw with Alcestis was her continual holding of the infant. More than once, the young Healer needed to rescue the infant from her sleeping Mother. Still, Tailkinker reflected on one item that was the reason for the possessiveness - Celestine was a miracle kitten. If the kitten were hers, the young Healer probably would want to hold her all the time, too. So, Tailkinker allowed it for now, and hoped Alcestis would allow the kitten some freedom after she was weaned. 

    The patient that frazzled the young Healer the most was the Matron of the Infirmary and Nursery - Jellylorum. Bearing fraternal twins, the Butter Calico was tired. Jennyanydots could not constantly be with her Mate’s First Queen, and Skimbleshanks had the train runs. So, most of Tailkinker’s waking parts of the day were to help care for the Matron and the Twins. That, Tailkinker discovered quickly, was a handful. 


    “Yes, Aunt Jelly?” The Cream-point Queen got up and stretched before plodding over to where the Matron and her Twins lay. 

    “I’m being a pest, aren’t I?” 

    “I wish I could say no, Aunt Jelly,” Tailkinker said with a rueful smile. “I don’t imagine it’s the easiest thing to do, having Twins.” 

    “And at my age,” Jellylorum added, but with an impish smile. 

    “Sorry, Aunt Jelly.” 

    “I need some help with these two again. If it isn’t feeding them, it’s cleaning them. If I even thought that I would have my own set, I would have watched Deme closer. How she managed it, I’ll never know.” 

    “Did she have kittens before her twins?” 

    “I don’t think so, dear. But, then, not very many of us know what happened to her when she was with Macavity. Not even Bombalurina will tell us that. The fact that she helped Sundancer escape from there tells me something, though. That and caring easily for her own twins. I believe she acted as nursemaid for kittens there.” 

    “So she learned by helping the mothers.” 

    “That’s what I believe.” 

    “Well, it looks like I’m going to do the same here.” 

    “I’m the one who’s sorry now, dear. You should be out with the others enjoying the sun right now, and not worrying about some old broad with kids.” 

    “Aunt Jelly. You’re not some 'old broad.' You helped me when I needed it, and taught me how to use a wonderful Gift. In many ways, you’re the Mother I never got to know. I guess that’s why quite of few of them call you 'Aunt'.” 

    “Yes, dear. That’s why. Skimble, Jenny and I used to routinely look about the Yard and search for lost and abandoned kittens like you. Asparagus and Electra were found near the Vicarage Pipe, and we believe them to be brother and sister. Etcetera and Jemmina came separately at the Railway Pipe. Pouncival was found near where Tumblebrutus found the kitten, Little Deuteronomy. Alonzo drifted in as a kitten, lost and hungry. Tumblebrutus was the same way; only he had a more haunted look to him. Demeter and Bombalurina came in later - Bomba first, and a little later, Deme.” 

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