Wake up

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But she was almost unconscious, half way when Ash screamed her name. 'Ash' she thought but she couldn't keep let a sound of her mouth and her eyes op dropped and lost her conscious.


It hurts ash when he saw Serena lying there without one single movement.'Serena' he whispered. He felt tears coming from the coner of his eyes. 'I'm sorry, Serena. I'm sorry that I let you down.'Ash thought of all memories he had of Serena and him......... Until one quote" Don't give up until the END!" Ash is became beware of his quote.

Ash: "You're right I won't let you down, Serena." He grabbed a Poke-ball out of his jacket and Noivern came out.

When they reached Serena, was Ash in shock to see her body as white as the snow and her lips turning blue. Ash runs over to Serena's body her body was ice cold. He looked at her and he brings his ear to Serena's chest for a while he heard nothing only a few heartbeats. He took his jacket off and put it on Serena.

Ash: Serena you're going to be oke.(He picked her up bridal style and sits on Noivern's back ) You can go Noivern. 

Noivern: Noi..Noi

They headed to the Pokemon center, when a large wind flow came. Ash and Noivern couldn't see anything. But suddenly there appeared a hill in front of them....

Ash: Noivern dodge it.

But Noivern couldn't escape and got hit. They were falling down.

Ash: Noivern hold on..

Noivern waked up and at the last second they avoid a blow to the ground. Ash stepped off Noivern to check him out.

Ash: Noivern are you oke?

Noivern: Noi...Noi(As Noivern happily claps his wings open and shut. He screamed form pain)

Apparently Noivern's wing got bruised and couldn't clap it open.

Ash: oh no(Ash looked around for any sign of humans, but unfortunately there was nobody. That's obvious if you're in the middle of the forest)

Suddenly Ash saw a cave a few steps away.

Ash: Noivern come with me.

They headed to the cave . Ash picked Serena up and to Noivern to grab some wooden sticks. When Noivern went searching for some sticks, Ash puts Serena on his lap. He looked at her and saw her color slowly come forwards her skin and her lips. But Ash was now the one that was freezing. So he decided to hug Serena, surprisingly Serena was warmer then before. He hugged her tightener when a cold breeze came in the cave.


Serena slowly opened her eyes and saw a blurry vision. Blinked a several times until she saw clear again. She felt warm and cozy, but her eyes widened in shock. When see saw Ash... she was staring at him but he clearly didn't noticed that she was awake. She wanted too see what he was doing but then what she saw made her whole face was red as a tomato.

Serena: .......A-Ash?

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